Wednesday, April 29, 2009
You can spot an orgasmic woman by her walk
Google makes the public data easily accessible and understandable
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Eco-Friendly Autos
Freedom of speech
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Car dealers and their incentives
I understand that they want to sell cars and make money just like everyone else but did they every stop and think about how this could affect them in the long run. First of all Hyundai may have to take back a lot of peoples cars if they cannot make the payments after the three months they have paid for and then have to turn around and resell it. That seems to me like more effort and money coming out the dealers pockets then the customer. Saturn is being even more generous than Hyundai to some extent. They may not offer the opportunity to bring the car back but they do offer to pay out a total of $4,500.00 in a nine month period for the first or second year of ownership if you lost your job. I think more time and thought should have gone into these plans of action.
Unemployment on the Rise
With people getting laid off left and right, and not being able to find a job they have to choice but to file for unemployment. I never thought I would have to get put on unemployment but with the way things are looking and it seems impossible for me to be able to find another job I too will be another person on unemployment. Though I would rather work, it seems like it is only going to get worse before it will start getting better. Someone very close to me is on unemployment and they are really feeling down and depressed because they have nothing to do and haven’t found a job(s) that can pay for all the bills and expenses they have. I hope that everyone will soon realize that this is not a time to slake off at your job or to quit your job because it make take you a good portion of your time to find another job.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Gender vs. Power
If a man and woman have the exact same job, in most cases the male will get paid more. I remember my father telling me one time that if my mom was a male that she would get paid twice as much. I think it's unfair for people to be judged base off of their sex. There are much more powerful woman today, such as Hilary Clinton or Oprah Winfrey that stand out to us. People don't think that woman can hold as strong of position as men. I really feel that this is untrue. I think that you need to give people the chance to prove themselves in a work force. I feel a woman can do just as good of job as a man if she puts her mind to it. I know that most woman have a softer side to them and there are many careers that need a softer side to do well in. Some of these careers would be nursing, school teacher, and running a day care.
Men are more dominant figures showing masqulinity. That's why they are good for being in charge and running a business. They don't mind saying whats on their mind and have no problem letting someone go or hurting their feelings. It's the way that our minds are programed. I'm not saying a woman can't do these types of jobs. I really think it depends on the personality. There are many woman who have dominant personalities that can do this type of job just as well as a man. I feel that anyone no matter the gender to can anything they want. They just need to put the time and effort. We need to stop letting the gender of a person contribute to what we think they are capable of.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Poverty in the United States
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Senate Bills 773 and 778
Two bills were recently introduced that bring the idea of Internet regulation. They would set up the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor who would report directly to the president and give the president the power to, in an extreme "cyber" emergency, turn off the Internet in the U.S. The bills are still both in the first state of the legislative process so they are far from being applied but I thought it was an interesting concept.
The Internet is a very crucial part of almost everyday life now. Seriously, is there a day when you aren't on the Internet? To shut it down would mean to literally cut communication and information by a lot and also kill securities. Banks and tons of other finances would be frozen with no way of retrieval until the Internet resumed.
Would it violate our rights and would the government use this to their advantage by censoring certain things? They would have access to virtually everyones private files without regard to any previous laws. Is this too much power forthe government and more specifically the president? How could these bills be improved?
I think that something to address Internet security needs to happen, but the bounds of this legislation are far too broad for the government. If people thought the Patriot Act was an invasion of privacy then I wonder what they'd do when the Internet shut down.
Immigration Legal System and Segregation Among Different Ethnicities.
With fewer judges to make tons of decisions within a given time, so many people are being deported. Once they get arrested and sent in jail, they cannot have a fair hearing with a lawyer unless they can pay for one. They could not even use a phone call for free in jail for immigrants until this January, making people with no money to use phone cards to be stuck in jail without having a way to contact with their family members. They can be arrested without a warrant. When it’s not criminal cases, their rights are not even read. Some are deported without hearings made. Sometimes, Immigration and Customs Enforcement makes mistakes with US citizens, and they are not released until they had proved the citizenship with proper documentation such as a birth certificate. The problems that exist with the immigration legal system are extremely important and so in need for change, but another growing problem is that people are sent to immigration system based upon their ethnicities. Because of this problem, not so funny happenings such as mistaking US citizens occur frequently. Even when the one in jail requests to check the Social Security Number for checking and confirming the citizenship, it is not checked properly as it is supposed to.
Prejudice against certain ethnicities and their discriminated treatment toward immigrants in judicial system are leading the whole nation to the continued racism and segregation among races whether the people with different ethnicities have obtained the citizenship or not. United States call the nation itself a mixed country. However, if people do not try hard to work through in living with different races and ethnicities, conflicts among races would be continued and would eventually lead the society into more complicated issues.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Peer Pressure
Experiencing small amounts of negative peer pressure from your friends is normal but when there is too much and you continue to give in thats when its a serious self esteem issue. You need to be able to stand up for yourself and be able to sell someone no when you don't feel comfortable doing something. Young teenage girls experience a lot of peer pressure from their friends and guys when it comes to sex. This is something that isn't talked about enough. A lot of people have sex before they are ready because they are scared to stand up for themselves.
Ways to help teenagers deal with peer pressure is by talking to them about it. When adults set good examples for their children it helps them to deal with hard situations better. A self confident child will be able to stand up for themselves because they know the difference between right and wrong and won't care what their friends are thinking about them. I think that there would be a lot less crime and illegal behaviors if teens could learn how to stand up for themselves and just say no.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Police, skid row
So, now we have a sociological understanding of the police function, and the power that comes alongside it. But, then how does peacekeeping, law enforcement, and crime fighting all coexist within society? One would think by law enforcement and crime fighting that peacekeeping would be the end result. Instead peacekeeping can sometimes be considered a form of law enforcement, but NOT crimefighting. Skid row neighborhoods are a perfect example of such.
Skid row is probably what people imagine when they think of a dangerous city. Skid row is defined by wikipedia as "a city district frequented by vagrants and alcoholics and addicts".
Skid row exists with little police intervention and dealt with by containment. Police will often overlook prostitution, drugs, and drunkeness as long as it is contained and does not grow too far out into "normal" society. So there is no crimefighting in these areas, very little law enforcement (or law containment?), but the peace is kept for the most part in surrounding areas of the society.
According to Brown, "the decision to not enforce often brings with it an “exchange” between the officer and the individual. In the case of skid-row it might manifest in a certain amount of cooperation from the individual (e.g., limiting their activities to a defined area) or in the officer expecting information on more serious crimes in the area".
Now, is this acceptable? Why is it allowed? Some of this information I have quoted varies in date from the 60's to 80's, but I believe it is still correct. I have seen police interaction with skidrow areas firsthand, in fact lived in one without even understanding what it was for a long time. False raids to scare, with no actual arrests.
I believe that this is not an acceptable policy in the long term, because it always grows. It cannot be contained to one area at all. It is a temporary keeping of the peace, but a false peace.
I have no answers, it is just there and exists, with the police as a bridge between two worlds of society. It is an anomaly.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Child Prostitution
Prostitution of children refers to children having sexual intercourse for money. The definition of a "child prostitute" can vary depending on who is using the term. Under many laws a child is defined as anyone under the age of 18. The Optional protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography to the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that the prostitution of children or child prostitution is the practice whereby a child is used by others for sexual activities in return for remuneration or any other form of consideration. Most generally, the prostitution of children means that a party other than the child benefits from a commercial transaction in which the child is made available for sexual purposes - either an exploiter intermediary (pimp) who controls or oversees the child’s activities for profit, or a child abuser who negotiates an exchange directly with a child in order to receive sexual gratification. The provision of children for sexual purposes may also be a medium of exchange between adults.
Majority of children in third world countries (mostly Asian countries) are recruited into prostitution through forced abduction, pressure from parents, or through deceptive agreements between parents and traffickers. Once these children become involved in prostitution they are often forced to travel far from their homes and as a result are isolated from their friends and family. Few children in this situation are able to develop new relationships with peers or adults other than the person who is victimizing them.
Child sexual abuse often negatively affects long-term psychological and social well being, although more than half of all sexual abuse survivors do not suffer the most extreme forms of psychiatric trauma. Factors that worsen the severity include younger age at first abuse, less developmental maturity, longer duration of abuse, occurrence of penetration, use of force, abuse by a parent-figure or much older perpetrator, lack of support upon disclosure and absence of a caring non-abusing parent. Psychological and behavioral effects of child sexual abuse may include low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, fear, hostility, chronic tension, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, self-destructive or suicidal behavior, post traumatic stress disorder, dissociation, multiple personality disorder, repeat victimization, running away, criminal behavior, academic problems, substance abuse and prostitution. Sexual abuse survivors are at higher risk for mental health and social functioning problems resulting from feelings of powerlessness, guilt, shame, stigmatization and low self-esteem. Powerlessness damages coping skills and reduces ability to protect oneself from further abuse.
Please copy and paste the link below and watch first hand about how this evil continues to thrive. The footage will shock you beyond words.
Female genital mutilation
The initiates undergo unnecessary pain, suffering, and humiliation during and after circumcision. Infibulation is not a single operation. The vulva is pinned shut with pins and thorns, leaving a small hole the size of a match stick, for urine and blood to escape during the healing process. Due to the reduced size of the hole, women experience overwhelming pain during intercourse and childbirth. Pain is also experienced during the operation due to lack of anesthesia, since surgery is a test of courage, and thus one is not permitted to cry. I n some tribes, the suffering is revisited after childbirth, where the vulva has to be reshut and restored to post-wedding night condition.
The barbaric way in which circumcision is conducted is despicable. Numerous health issues arise, lack of sterile instruments being the first. Tools not limited to razors, scalpels, pieces of broken glass, pottery and sharpened rocks are used . Infections are also common due to unsanitary conditions. Secondly, elderly women generally perform these operations and are not only inexperienced, but may have low grade of precision. It is a status symbol for one to be a “surgeon”, and thus these women do not give in to retirement. Factors like impaired eyesight due to old age affect their judgment and the result is a severely mutilated candidate. These candidates suffer from severe hemorrhaging, pain leading to shock and in some cases death. Blood clots due to the inability of menstral blood to escape the passage are also common. A woman’s stomach bulges as a result and the condition may be confused with pregnancy causing innocent women to either be accused of infidelity or fornication, whichever applicable.
Women in societies that practice FGM generally face alienation from community power and are subordinates to a male dominated regime. They are controlled in family, emotions and sexual matters. They are also deprived of their right to choose. Alienation is evident sexually whereby her ability to enjoy intimacy diminishes and sex becomes a painful experience. The removal of the clitoris does not decrease sexual desire, but the chance of the satiation of that desire. She is thus deprived the innate appetite she is unable to fulfill and faces communal alienation from the marriage institution and community as a whole if she chooses not to get circumcised. women are denied their right to normal learning procedures, and personal experiences, and taught in seclusion away from men. Their syllabus is comprised only of domestic issues since the male chauvinistic society believes it is a waste of money and resources to educate women, when they eventually end up as professional housewives.
Formally and informally, education plays a role in shaping society. Maintaining ignorance in women and keeping them in the dark only makes evil cultural practices like circumcision reoccur. The removal of the practice will not only be eventually effective by the law, but by education. The law has failed repeatedly to eradicate this demon due to corruption and the dictatorship nature of how most world governments are run. This goes hand in hand with human prostitution which will require a whole new bog to discuss. I wrote this as my social action plan and decided to post it too as "MY PLAN" in the effort to end its evil.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Pirates off Somalian Coast
"That is at this moment our primary concern," Storgaard said. No action has been taken so far against the pirates, according to a spokesman for the U.S. military's 5th Fleet in Bahrain. "There is a task force present in the region to deter any type of piracy, but the challenge remains that the area is so big and it is hard to monitor all the time," 5th Fleet spokesman Lt. Nathan Christensen said.He also said U.S.-flagged ships are not usually escorted by the military unless they request it from the U.S. Navy. Despite increased naval presence in the region, ships and aircraft are unlikely to be close enough to provide support to vessels under attack. The scope and magnitude of the problem cannot be understated," according to a Navy news release. According to sources this is the sixth attack in a week. Wjhat in the world is goingon ? I just hope the U.S navy can do something rapidly before things gets out of control on vessel putting the lives of those crew members in greater danger of getting killed.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Researchers estimate that if humans don't stop making babies, in 3 to 5 years we could start running out of resources to live. Like oil, food, water, etc. Having clean air to breathe would also be nice, the more people, the harder it is to have clean air. Worldwide, air pollution shortens the life of an average person by nine months. Fresh water supplies are running low worldwide. This water crisis is expected to grow as the population increases. The conclusion to this blog is the same as my previous blog, two simple words, BIRTH CONTROL.
Miss Maryland USA 2004 Busted In Drug Scandal
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Should there be a market for human organs?
The first problem is that individual income and wealth would determine who supplies and who receives organs. Legalizing the market for human organs would open the potential for exploitation of poor families who might be desperate for money. In addition, such a system would produce inequalities in which those people who have the highest income would be among the first to get the transplant organs.
Secondly, a policy that turns body parts into a commodity would generate the growth of crimes related to the acquisition of organs in certain countries. In those countries where there are poor restrictions and regulations on trade in organs, there could be increases in violations. It could be possible that people would be forced to give their consent to become live organ givers or their organs would even be harvested without consent.
It is very likely that the legalization of the market for human organs would have several considerable drawbacks, including unequal collection and distribution of transplant organs and increases in human rights violations. Instead, we need to work toward a way of fostering the incentives to increase people’s willingness to donate organs for transplant.