Thursday, September 30, 2010

teacher cutts are for idiots

On June 9th 2010, Montgomery County stated a budget that would cut 250 teachers from there school system... Explaining that it wasn't the budget they wanted, but the budget that they could afford... What they failed to explain, is that the County is laying off the experienced teachers
( teachers that have been in the school system for 1o-2o years) because they cost to much to keep in there budget. This is what this budget is basically saying:

-250 teachers gone
-1 student added to every classroom because of the increase in population at schools
-Newer teachers are ridiculed because there students aren't passing state tests
- The county Wants Better teachers, but are eliminating good ones cause they can't afford them.

Please explain how this is helping the public school system.. Its amazing to see how hypocritical congress and politics are when it comes to education. Yes they say it needs to be better, but aren't willing to do what is necessary to improve education.

If you really want to improve education, now listen up... Put more money into it! If you can't find it, try cutting military funding and pulling out of the two wars America can't afford. Or perhaps improve teacher salaries and promote being a teacher, instead of scaring them half to death with standardized testing, and stating that teaching is for people that can't due.

Americans won't due any of the above to help education, but will continue to complain, and say that education is going down to the tube. But its fun to watch these people examine education and think that standardized testing is the way to improve education....


  1. Education is one place they should not do budget cuts. Classrooms are already too large. Having large class size make learning difficult for the students. The teacher does not have time to help them individually as it is now. So many kids get lost in the cracks. It doesn't help that teachers are teaching kids just to take a test so their school looks good. Teaching is one of the hardest jobs out there and all we are doing is making harder for them and the students.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i agree with you, the education system needs more funding than before, because every year more and more people decide to go for a higher education. because of the lack of employment, most people would rather have a higher education in order to get a better career, and a better pay. so the school and colleges need more money to provide service to these people. even though times are hard, and the economy is bad, however schools and colleges need to be funded for better service to their students.

  4. Its sad that the people responsible in teaching the future of America are one of the lowest paid professions. I cant believe that it seems like rocket science to people as to why our education system is suffering. I completely agree with you that we need to put more money into it. We need to invest in the future and show the people we task to do this that we appreciate them.

  5. hearing this news about the counties "ways of saving money" is extremely disturbing. We are losing wat is essentisl in all schools. Having a basic foundation of well known established teachers are important to every school.
    i agree that americans always complain about education. We can help but it seems that we are not supporting our teacher because they really know what our schools need. caring is just the first step that need to to be taken to help start sovig the problems in our educational system.

  6. I agree with the sentiment of this post and the responders. Our education system seems to be an afterthought when state and federal budgets are drawn up. If education does happen to come to the forefront, it is quickly forgotten when other, "more pressing" ways to spend money arise. It's cliche to say, but we are truly investing in our future when we invest in a child's education. We adults are screwing up the world in irreversible ways. The very least we can do is to afford our kids, the people who will eventually run this place, a proper education.
