Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Immigration is a very controversial topic. We all have different opinions and thoughts about the situation. I am not trying to offend anyone and I understand that some may think differently and that’s alright with me. I will just express my feelings and opinions regarding the topic. I think that having people migrate to this country is a great thing. Immigration brings diversity to the United States, one thing that it is very well-known for. I believe we should allow people to legally come into this country. Of course not everyone should be allowed to but people who just want a better life for themselves and their families or who don’t have a criminal background should be able to. The way we feel about immigrants should also be handled differently. There have been so many hate crimes committed against Hispanics and that is no way to deal with the issue. In the last two months approximately, there have been at least 3 hate crimes in New York. Although this may not sound alarming it can become a habit. Also I don’t remember exactly where but I read about how although immigrants do “take” jobs, they also make some. The article that I read talked about how many immigrants put up businesses which produce more jobs for those who need them. One thing that really bothers me about how immigration is being handled is when families become separated due to deportations. Almost every day on the news I see a family who has been separated or worse, children who are now left to live in this country without their parents or any other support. Overall I think the government should implement “rules” for entering the country such as background checks and such, but also do something for those who are already living here and have a life here. Immigration does affect us all whether directly or indirectly, I think something should be done about it soon.


  1. That true when you “we should allow people to legally come into this country” because there are many people come to this country for better life, not all come to harm anybody or to do committed crimes. I also think there some kids of stereotype back in there mind. For example; they think all immigrants’ people are committed crimes and take the jobs. If anybody wants to work there are many jobs, in my opinion they just want use immigrants to scapegoat for their own problems. On the other hand when they successes they help the society by giving job for others.

  2. I must say that this country as great as it is was solely establish by immigrants. The origials of this land were red indians and that what history says. Anyways, I do believe that it is very important that people coming into another man teritory should have the legal rights to do so and not intrude in illega;;y. Some people are taking the immigration issue way too serious not that it's not but I think it needs to be handle with care. There's no need to dislike or hate someone in some cases because he or she is an immigrant. The government on the other hand should stop separating families until a final resolution is concluded on this issue. Just a little more love for others will make the world a better place.
