Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Equal Oppurtunities of Health Insurance For Everyone

The United States should offer a healthcare plan for all U.S citizens. Even though there is a good system and opportunity for individuals and families to have health insurance, many people still struggle. For example, people that work for the state and city are covered for certain procedures. But some peoples insurance is being cancelled because we are in a recession. “Insurance companies are using the term "rescission" to refer to the cancellation of insurance coverage due to a company being misled.” On the other hand, homeless people and people that are unemployed might not get Medicaid. Also, the health insurance should be comprised of all sorts of screenings and services such as dental and vision care. There are so many people that need dental care ranging from small children to middle aged and old people. The taxes that we pay should indeed help the poor people’s health instead of many other things. According to The New York Times, “About half, 51 percent, say the federal government should guarantee health insurance for all Americans, down slightly from 55 percent in July and 64 percent in June”. Obama’s health care plan only serves to expand insurance coverage but does little to reduce costs and improve quality of health care. So many people in this world suffer from lack of healthcare which is maybe why many people die so early. If everyone has the right to equal health insurance than I think that diseases will decrease as a whole and will allow the spreading of diseases to end.

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