Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Assembly of Children

I'm never certain if things in our government are simply getting more ridiculous, or if my perception of the events are simply changing as I grow older and become increasingly disillusioned.

In a sickening display of childish politics this past Saturday, Georgia representative Tom Price - along with several other republican members of congress - took umbrage with the topic and proceeded to talk over the entire assembly, and repeatedly bray 'I Object', in effort to stall the proceedings in as rude a manner as is conceivable.

I'd like to begin by saying that this post is not partisan in nature - rather, I'm disgusted with the entirety of our congressional proceedings. For the most important topics in our country to be reduced to voting along party lines rather than upon the issues themselves is a perversion of the intent of electing them. And really, that's all that politics has become - a game full of bickering children who all happen to be adults.

It seems to me at least that we'd be better off if we were to expel the entire congress and replace them with third graders. The level of argument would remain the same, and they would likely come to a conclusive decision in much smaller a time - not only this, but they'd be capable of worrying about the issue itself, rather than on if they'd be elected for the next term based on the decisions they made, which is all that our representatives seem to care about any longer.

It couldn't possibly be any worse than the way things are now, at any rate.

Besides, a designated 'nap time' could be exactly what congress needs to get their collective heads out of their asses and actually do the job they were elected to perform rather than throwing temper tantrums and wasting all of our time.


  1. Damn. Tell us how you really feel.

    Politics in DC is totally out of control, although there are a few level-headed, independent thinking politicians around but they get lost in the zoo.

    In my opinion, the conflict and division that modern politics has created in the general population is the real shame. There's a reason they say to avoid religion and politics in a civil discussion.

    People get caught up in the rhetoric and slanted facts; sometimes it seems like there isn't a rock solid fact out. Not mention, a original thought to accompany it.

  2. This post is great (and also really maddening)! I’ve been really untrusting of our political system for years and, like you, I have a feeing it will only get worse as I get older and grumpier (especially after seeing that video). Both parties are at fault for maintaining the “status quo” and I feel like we need to do away with a two party system. A third and fourth party would help to kick the collective ass of the “status quo” that is currently seen in the two party system. In my cynical nature however, I doubt that any of this is going to happen, because both parties have such a huge bankroll, which is one of the biggest reasons we only have a two party system to begin with.
