Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Technology and Social Relationships

From Facebook to Twitter, Instant Message to Skype, iPhones to iPods, it seems as though the technologies of communication run American society today. In particular, social relationships are impacted greatly from rapid advances in technology. The great debate is whether or not technology hinders or improves communication. Some may say that technology strengthens social relationships because it provides a fast and reliable avenue for people to communicate with those five miles and five hundred miles away. Others argue that technology hinders social relationships because communications through devices lack the ability to have face-to-face interaction. There are clearly costs, benefits, and risks that surround technology. However, I believe that technology hinders social relationships.

People rely on technologies such as the internet for every realm of their lives. A New York City psychiatrist named Dr. Ivan Goldberg identified Internet Addiction (IAD) as an “out of control behavior that threatens to overwhelm the addict’s normal life”. 1 While it is not a medical addiction, it is a very serious behavioral addiction. This addiction can be clearly seen by the numerous amounts of people who clearly cannot face the everyday task of social interaction without devices. Many people use these devices to resolve serious issues such as discussions about illness or death. While this may make it seem easier at the time, research done by UCLA scientist Dr. Gary small found that daily usage of technology may be altering the way our brains function in terms of social skills. He found that the increase in usage of technology weakens brain circuits involved in face-to-face interactions.2 This means that with increasing technology, new generations will lack the ability to read face expressions and understand subliminal social cues. Once these socially incapable generations grow old and our older generations die, there will be no one to reverse the devastating trend of no human interaction.

Technologies for communication are also extremely dangerous. With the addiction to technology, it is clear that people use devices at inappropriate times. Texting while driving has become a huge problem, as it was found that almost half (48%) of young Americans from ages 12-17 say they’ve been in a car while the driver was texting. Talking on a cell phone while driving can make a young driver’s reaction time as slow as that of a 70-year-old.3 Luckily states have begun to ban this dangerous activity, but that will not stop teens who feel the constant need to communicate through devices. In addition, internet safety is a major concern. With children and teens being so connected, it is extremely easy for strangers to invade homes through the computer and get personal information.
Among all 8 to 18 year olds, 76% own an iPod/MP3 player, 66% own a cellphone, and 29% own a laptop.4 These technologies of communication are greatly impacting the youth of America and we need to be wary of their effects on social relationships.

1. http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/students/purdy/index.htm
2. http://ezinearticles.com/?This-is-Your-Brain-on-Technology---The-Effect-of-Technology-on-Social-Interaction&id=2566035
3. http://www.edgarsnyder.com/car-accident/cell/statistics.html
4. http://www.frankwbaker.com/mediause.htm


  1. This is very true. As I was reading this article, I had a reflection of my own life. Some years back, I could memorize lots of phone numbers, now all I do and that's what majority of people do is use phone numbers stored in their cell phones. Most people don't communicate face to face like years back, after all use of e-mails, twitter, phones, and facebook make it more convient and time saving. Face to face communication enables people to see facial reactions which can be of tremendous help any kind of a relationship. Years back people were very good at communicating through paper letter writing. Very few people do that anymore. I believe modern technology has made our lives easier, but has totally messed up our social relationships.

  2. I just take it as an advantages and disadvantages. There is no questions that technology is making our world very small. And I think, it is making our relationships stronger. There is no doubt that technology is making us closer and best informing us faster than ever before. It is because of technology that we can instantly get intouch with friends world apart. Not only in communications but also in all aspect of our life. Medicine, transportation, and egineering just to mention few. I understand there are disadvantages when we are too much dependent on it. But it is so minor that you can't even compare with the benefits. It overlaps and outscores the disadvantages. I think, you already have best explained it. People who think technology is affecting their social relationships should find out their weakest point and get solutions for it. But they have to face the benefit and reality associated with it.
