Friday, October 21, 2011

Where do we go when we die?

This is a very hard question for some who does not even want to talk about it or think about it, but it is inevitable. Once everybody is born, it is the beginning of the journey. No difference from trips we take. From home to school, to work, to see friends. Means it has an end. Our life on earth also has an end.

If I back to my question "where do we go when we die?" some think or talk about it or may approach it from different angles. They may have to give explanations according to their traditions (I will back to this talking about my culture), they may explain it from religions, beliefs, what they think sounds better and make the comfortable ....

In my culture when someone die we say that "he/she has been called by God" but is it true? May be I should be the one to give the answer. I think it is a way to console or make the rest of the family feel better. Some says that even we will see our beloved one dead. Is there a life after this?

I will not give an answer to this question because i don't have one. But what I think is, that when we die it is over, and my suggestions to every one should be to do best when we still can, at least so that people could still remembers from our works. Still "Where do we do when we die?"


  1. While I am not Agnostic or Atheist, I do not have any strong religious beliefs and have a hard time connecting with the idea of God. However, I do believe there is a hell and have sometimes wondered if the Devil has been reserving me a warm seat by the blazing fire. I, too, have no answer as to where we go when we die..... There are several options for where we can be placed or how our bodies can be disposed of, such as: cremation, traditional burial and/or body donation for science where families are still given the option for cremation from a selected and unneeded body part for scientific study. I gently went to a dissection at an Anatomy Gift Registry and thought it was a very interesting concept. For people who can't afford traditional services, this a viable option and a very altruistic thing to do. I am unsure how I feel about it and wonder if this is an option that will offer sufficient closure for kids, friends and families. The idea of decomposition in the ground is not appealing to me either, nor is being burned in a large oven. So, I have no idea which way to go or to tell my family to how to dispose of my remains. Quite frankly, I hope I don't have to worry about that for a very long time.

  2. No one will personally have a answer for this question. So many people have different religions and thoughts to what happens to us when we die. Some think you will be greated by God and go to heaven. Other's don't believe in a heaven at all. Some think depending on your actions it will determine if you go to heaven, hell, or be trapped between both worlds. I really believe that our spirits go to another "time and place". I'm not really sure how i can describe it right now. But, I do believe we pass our souls on, leave our bodies behind and look after our loved ones when we pass. But, like I said before, people have many beliefs. Some people might go against what I say because they believe something completely different. No one will have an exact answer.
