Friday, September 16, 2011

teen drinking

I feel like teen drinking has became a lot worst lately than it has ever been. teenagers have better and easier access to it now than ever before. im not saying that before it was harder to get alcohol if you were under 21, im saying now there are different resources so it makes it a lot easier. my friend was telling me that there are websites that yo can go on and apply to get a fake id. and they arent that expensive at all. this makes it so much easier for teens to get there hands on alcohol. and im not talking about just drinking. teens today drink so much at gatherings and partys to the point that they black out of just throw up. if a person does that once a week, it could really be bad and cause a lot of different problems in their body. another bad thing about teen drinking is drinking and driving. The people that get the most dui's are people between 18-25, that's basically teen years. when teenagers drink they could become a lot wilder than an adult would cause them to not care about drinking and driving. im pointing out the issue of teen drinking because it is a major societal issue and we need to do something about it. it causes health issues and issues regarding a persons social status and records. some people lose the chance of getting the job that they always wanted just because they get a dui because of a stupid decision that they made one night. I think that if we increase the awareness of teen drinking to people, they would start realizing how big of an issue it is and maybe someone will do something about it. what are some ways to increase awareness of teen drinking? and if it is possible, what are some ways to prevent teen drinking?


  1. I agree that underage drinking is a very big problem. Our country has the most MVA’s that area caused by alcohol. When I was a teenager I absolutely participated in drinking before the age of 21. It was the forbidden fruit. Alcohol was advertised and displayed as the pairing for a good time. After a couple hangovers I discovered that drinking wasn’t as great as I thought. Some of this involves parenting. Alcohol should be discussed with adolescents, it shouldn’t be such a forbidden subject. Some parents believe that talking about some issues will lead to their children trying those things. Negative! My mom educated me about the dangers of drinking, as well as drinking and driving. Although I never drove intoxicated I definitely experimented as most teens will. Im not sure what the answer is but we need one quick!

  2. I am currently working as a tutor at the academic center and recently
    one of my students mentioned about fake id. He asked me if I know a
    place that makes fake ids, and he is only 10th grader. In addition to
    what you’ve mentioned, it hinders their thought process. It can affect
    everyone in negative ways, not only them. Some teenagers drink
    thinking it is cool to be drunk. Some think it is okay if you know how
    to stay under control with it. However, you never know what is going
    to be happened. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with it.
    One cannot just make “Oh I was drunk” excuse or “Oh I am just a
    teenager” excuse for what he/she has done. I believe that supervision
    by positive adult role models are needed as a part of a comprehensive
    prevention plan. Thus, education is needed for not only teenagers but
    for parents, teachers, and caregivers as well.

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