If you turn on your television you might obtain ads and commercials. A majority of watching television involves commercials. A person can be shown up to hundreds of commercials in one day. Most of these commercials, if you pay attention, involve improvement of one self. Companies try to sell beauty products, jewelry, and or clothes. They tend to say it will make the person who buys the product more beautiful. People get fascinated with the idea of feeling beautiful they go a head a purchase what they just saw. Some people even want to be as beautiful as the girl or guy that the companies put on the television that draws in the audience. The average person wants to be like them. But, the thing is it’s really unrealistic. I’m not saying someone can never obtain a size zero, gorgeous eyed, silky haired bomb shell type body. I’m just saying most of the population is not close to that.
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Having all these magazines, music video’s, etc. everywhere and having sexy people basically getting “pushed” into your thoughts tend to make people wonder “how can a improve myself?” They want to be better because they might not have that particular thing in their life. The person might start thinking they’re not pretty enough, they are not skinny enough. No one will like them if they aren’t like that beautiful model on television. This leads to eating disorders, depression, and many other serious illnesses. None of these should be taken lightly. Companies need to start thinking of another way to promote their products because it really has a harsh outcome if you really think about it.
It is not only America that is obsessed with the mere idea of beauty. In Korea, you will barely see people who are obese or overweight. This standard of beauty affects women in particular. Those skinny and gorgeous-looking women in TV commercials, magazines, movies and any other commercials make young women feel that they should be like them. Also, those commercials make them thinking that they are not pretty enough if they don’t meet the standards. Not only they see themselves as not perfect, but other people also think that way. What is within does not matter that much anymore.