Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Skin Color

When we were talking in class about different races and how poeple of certain races are treated differently here in America it reminded about how there is still discrimination among races themselves when it comes to skin color. I noticed in almost every foreign country light skin is always more preferable than dark skin especially for women. Men can still be found attractive if they are dark skinned but women on the other hand are considered ugly if they are dark. I think every skin color is beautiful and should be embraced by everyone. I've always encountered dark skinned men as well as light skinned men and they are both equally preferable. I've also talked to a lot of people who are intimated by lighter skinned people. In India, there are a plethora of lightening creams available for young girls to use and get a tone preferable to Bollywood actresses. It is unrealistic and absurd for everyone to be the same skin tone, and it should equally attractive and not discriminative in any way. I was watching the Tyra Banks show and it showed African Americans that were dark skinned and light skinned. Some of the light skinned people actually thought they were superior to dark skinned people. This was shocking because I did not know this existed in the United States. I went to the beach with some friends and they were passing the sunscreen with an SPF 75 to prevent themselves from getting darker and i found it very amusing because i thought they were using it to prevent themselves from getting sun damage. However, they did not realize the concept that being naturally dark was not something to be ashamed of because every color is natural and beautiful, a god-gifted color. Overall, as the quote says, "You can't judge a book by its cover," similarly, a person should not be judged by his skin color, and should be judged by what is inside.


  1. I agree with you on this. I'm light skinned myself so I have a understanding of what you are talking about. Everyone is the same on the inside...and in my opinion..if some is hot..then they r hot regaurdless if they are light skinned dark skinned, white, hispanic, ect. I don't discriminate against guys i love them all lol.

  2. Just recently Sammy Sosa, former baseball player star, was seen in the news in a skin tone that is way lighter than his natural skin tone. When asked if he didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin, he blamed it on a skin cream that he was using. That obviously was baloney because they showed his new girlfriend and she is very fair (light) and his natural skin tone is darker than the average Cuban. I say this to say that people are doing crazy things to alter their skin complexion. Look at Michael Jackson, love him to death, but I will never understand why he had those skin grafts and other means to change his skin. I have a little qualm about this because he was trying to get people to be socially aware about other issues in the world that needed our attention, but what message was he sending to little black boys and girls who admired him? To bleach your skin so you can feel happier about yourself?
