Monday, September 28, 2009

So Much Money

It seems like in todays society everything costs so much. We are in a recession, meaning our economy is down. You would think prices would then come down and things would become more affordable. Let me tell you, nope ,most things are still as expensive as they once were when the economy was doing well. The price of cars and homes have come down some. Yes, that true but most people are taking pay cuts to where they may of beeen able to afford homes or cars they cannot now because of pay cuts or lay offs. With the economy doing poor and people not being able to afford anyhting leads to people becoming homeless. here the ripple effect comes to hurt everyone. You can not even go inot a sotre now a day sand find a complete outfit under, realistically, hundred dollars. Shoes today cost a hundred dollars or more let alone the clothes. Familys are having a hard time as it paying bills let a lone buying things for their kids. With that kids may miss out on playing travel leauge sports because of the cost in drivng to games because of gas or becuase the leauge is so expensive. Not only are adults dealing with the expensive cost of things kids are to. Money really is the thing that makes this world go around. Regardless if you beleive that are not money is something we all need to suvive. So why dont we lower prices because we are all greedy. Its as simple as that even in this time of despair we just want and want instead of helping others out.


  1. I agree with this. Our govenment talks about how bad our economy is, and how they want to help with health care, and housing, but what about the basics? The price on food, clothing and everday household products havent decreased. Un-employment has gone up almost 10%, so you're right. How is an un-employed mother supposed to feed and cloth her kids in this economy, let alone herself.

  2. Everyday I am faced with issues with cost. I sometimes wonder how I'm able to stay afloat of bills and all the hidden cost as a student. Thinking of how difficult it is for families makes the problem worse. My question is where are the economists and the people in charge of these kinds of issues when they surface? We, as a nation, did not get to this point overnight. I know that during the last presidency that some uncontrollable events occurred and that threw the balance of the economy out of loop. But perhaps under our new president and administration some type safety-net mechanisms can be employed so that this situation doesn’t happen again. The current state of the economy is being likened to that of the Great Depression times. People are losing jobs, gas prices, heating prices; just about the price of everything is up and there is no reprieve for hard-working, less-earning people. We need the government and the people we elect to stop with the bureaucracy and come up with solutions that will get this economy out of the rut.
