Monday, September 28, 2009

Drinking Age

What is the point of having a drinking age in America? The drinking age in America was 18 less than 20 years ago. Today the drinking age stands at 21, and there is much talk about raising the age even more within the next couple years. Most kids by the time they’re 16 have at least consumed one whole alcoholic beverage. This age gets younger and younger as the “time’s change”. What I want to know is why are we putting an age on drinking a beverage? Many say that it is because the young aren’t responsible enough to handle a beverage that may impair you if abused. This is true in a sense; many teen crashes are caused by under-aged drinking while driving. It is true however that drinking while intoxicated does occur with many people over the age of 21. When you look at other countries however, who have not implemented a drinking age, you notice the fatality rate of drinking and driver is significantly less than America. So why is this? I believe this is because alcohol is not seen as something unattainable, there for desirable. Many kids in other countries as young as the age of 5 have an alcoholic beverage with every dinner. So kids in those countries do not view alcohol in the same way Americans do. When the majority of kids in America turn 21, they go out and get drunk with a bunch of their friends. Now if alcohol was in our everyday, then we wouldn’t feel necessary to abuse it the way we do, because it is no longer something you must achieve. I believe that if we took away the drinking age all together then we would lessen the accidents caused by drunk driving, and save many, many brain cells in the process.


  1. I think you are right that we abuse alchohol becasue there are limitations placed on it but I still think that the limitations are there to prevent a lot of damage. If the drinking age was taken away all together then there would be a lot of young people that are not capable of good decision making. Teenagers for example are naturally inclined to engage in risky decision making behavior and when they have alcohol in their system its not going to make them any sharper. If kids are drinking at a younger age than that it is more harmful to their bodies and they start damaging their kidneys. A child's body is not mature enough to hand alchohol yet and therefore the restrictions are there for a good reason.

  2. I agree and disagree with taking the drinking age away as a whole because some people arent mature enough to handle the baggage that comes along with being under the influence. The downside of it all is that when people drink young or old there will be always be consequences.
