Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Terrorist Metro Bombings In Moscow

The recent suicide bombings of two Metro trains during Monday's rush-hour in Moscow has re-awakened world fears of suicide attacks. 39 people were killed and over 70 injured in what was the largest attack in Moscow since 2004 when 40 people were killed by a bomb on a Metro train. The attacks have been attributed to Ingushetia and Chechnyan rebel leaders who have waring with Russia since the time right after the fall of the Soviet Union. The most suprising detail about the attack is that the suicide bombers were not men, but women.

Whilst most of you probably didn't hear much, if any, about these events (because of our news organizations lack of worldwide reporting), it should be be made aware of and should make us realize that we are not the only ones that face problems in the world. This terrorist strike, just like countless others, targeted innocent people just going about their daily lives, not harming anyone and yet, some organization thought it was acceptable to take their lives. This, to me, is unacceptable as no human has any more right than any other to take a life. With these bombings, it shows how little respect these terrorist organiations have for any human life, even of their own kind, and they should be persecuted and pursued to the fullest extent of any applicable law.

These events should remind us tha we are all vulnerable to any kind of attack and we should be extra vigilent on how we deal with suspicious people. We should not turn a blind eye but we should report and investigate so that we can keep ourselves and our fellow man alive. Of course, with this kind of persecution comes the reponsibility of one to not needlessly profile individuals on any basis other than fact of the situation at hand. Russia, like many first-world coutries, has had to deal with many terrorist attacks in recent history and have said that they are working to revamp anti-terrorism laws to try and better protect their citizens. They have vowed to follow these criminals to the "depths of the sewers and bring them to daylight" as Prime Minister Vladmir Putin stated.

Perhaps we as Americans should take a good hard look on the "War on Terror" and its successes rather than downplaying it and demeaning it simply because it is a war. Any fight against extremism is a brutual fight and their will be casulaties, friend and foe but we should not give up the fight. Our brave troops are fighting to make this country a safe place to live in so perhaps we should stop all of out political and social bickering, and realize that, whilst we may have many problems of our own, we still live in a safe and free country and that is what absolutely matters the most.

Check out this BBC news website link for more info:

-Chris Laatsch


  1. Terrorism is such a cowardly act. These bombings were a reminder that we are not the only ones being targeted. I did hear quite a bit about it on the evening news and felt like they did a good job covering it. I was disturbed that both bombers were women as this really broadens the base of who "the bad guys" are. How sad...will they be resorting to using children and teenagers soon?

  2. Terrorism has to be taken seriously with the contribution from other countries of the world,with the recent attack in Moscow it illustrate how far terrorism has gone,therefore it is for every country to take clear responsibility to address it and treat as crime i.e against the law of any country under the umbrella of the United Nations U.N

  3. Terrorism is a way of brutal act usually done regardless of human life to force the will of person, institution, or government. It was there in anciet time and is still here and happing in modern times.

    Terrorism by all means should be denounced. All responsible for terrorism should be brought to justice and punished. But it is difficult issue. Because it takes a lot of resources and sacrifices. In order to do this, all the countries in the world must stand together. Otherwise, it cannot be elimated.

  4. Terrorists need to wake up and stop creating this hatred environment. i wish we were all monkeys who had no brain, so we could stop bombing things and running planes into buildings. it would be much easier if we could try to prevent anyone from coming over here, somehow make the entrance to USA much harder to get into.
