Saturday, May 9, 2009

Anorexia Treatment and Cost

Anorexia Nervosa is a serious and potentially life threatening eating disorder. There are an estimated 7 million women and 1 million men in the US who suffer from eating disorders. 1 in 200 American women suffer from anorexia. 10-15% of people with anorexia are males. Eating disorders have the highest morality rate among mental illness. It is the 3rd most common chronic illness in the midst of adolescents. Only 1 in 10 people with an eating disorder receive treatment, due to insurance companies not considering treatment to be a medical necessity. Majority of insurance companies do not pay for treatment of eating disorders even though it is considered a mental illness. Treatment of an eating disorder varies in cost from $500.00- $2,000.00 per day. The average rate for an inpatient facility is $30,000.00 per month. On average the patient should be given 3-6 months of inpatient care. Following the inpatient care comes the outpatient/follow up care which includes a nutritionist, therapy, medical monitoring, and any other treatment may end up costing up to $100,000.00, which again is not covered by insurance.
Most people are not able to afford the treatment. The irony in the situation is that majority of insurance companies will provide assistance to those individuals who are obese and seeking treatment in similar facilities as persons with anorexia. Until the insurance companies choose to view this mental illness as the serious, chronic, life threatening illness that it is people will continue to suffer from this illness, and will not be able to receive the treatment they need to get the help and guidance they need to help battle this illness.


  1. It is unfair that anorexia is not covered by insurance companies. It is a deadly disease that needs to be treated. Do insurance companies cover for other mental illnesses like depression?
    I also dont necessarily think that the only reason people go untreated is because of the economics behind it. It could be that most dont think there is a problem and dont want help. I think that is the hardest part about mental illnesses, that most people just dont think they need treatment. A lot of people think they deserve what they are struggling with.

  2. I agree, the issue has some kind of double standard to it. Its a win loose situation on both side s of the wall. Peolpe can talk about responsibility all they want but when it gets mental, it is very hard to control.If people think they deserve it, then obese people should also be responsible for what they are going through. Gastric by-pass surguries cost money too and are funded by insurance. Since they are somewhat opposite disorders, then they should receive equal attention.

  3. I think insurance companies should cover anorexia nervosa as a medical attention. But now I see the bigger picture- because it is just too costly they don’t want to cover those types of expenses. Sad! I didn’t know men could suffer from this condition too. I never met an anorexic person before but I have seen plenty of Tyra shows and the like to know that this is a widespread problem that we need to get to the heart of. And one thing that Tyra and most people are putting out is you don’t have to be that spitting model image you see on magazines or that is pumped through the television. Your body is sacred to you, no other entity should influence that.

  4. The statistics that you stated here are shocking, why isn't this being brought to the attention of insurance companies? The insurance companies need to understand how serious of a problem this is. People with eating disorders are 23 times more likely to commit sucide than other people. I find it interesting that the insurance companies will help those who are obese, but not anorexic, they need to eat to survive.

  5. Anorexa nervosa is a serious eating disorder expectualyy for women. Since most women now a days are too concern with watching their weight they then starve themselves from eating not to get fat. I think there needs to be more awareness because this eating disorder is a serious issue. Ladies are trying to look sexy and so they often do this by starvation which can lead to anorexia.
