Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Obesity and health care

Blog #5

Obesity in America is an ever-increasing problem that is creating repercussions in the work place. While many employers may think that they can discriminate against employees through health screenings, this practice is wrong and only adds to the obesity epidemic in America. Obesity is associated with numerous health risks such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and premature death and employers can be proactive instead of discriminative in this matter.
Employers discriminate due to health reasons and lifestyle choices because health care costs for employers are increasing by at least 15% per year, almost three times as fast as inflation. In an employer’s mind, one effective way to control a rise in costs in their own company due to health insurance is to be more selective in the hiring process. While this may seem to save money, it seems counterintuitive to me. If employers are hiring based on lifestyle choices rather than competency, they are not going to get employees that are the most highly qualified for the job/task at hand. This could mean that their company will not be as successful as it could be if they hired the most qualified individuals, health problems or not.
To me, discrimination against hiring people due to lifestyle issues is an indirect violation of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights limits the government’s involvement in the lives of Americans and I think legislation should be passed to extend the concept of the government involvement in people’s personal lives and choices to include hiring employers of all businesses, public and private.
One way to find a happy medium in this practice is to not allow discrimination due to health screenings in the hiring process, but to make unhealthy employees pay a premium over their “normal” rate and give healthy employees a discount. This strategy has been adopted by some companies. While this strategy is discrimination as well, at least it is discrimination that will help Americans stop spiraling down the unhealthy, ill stricken path we are on.
By allowing people to make their own lifestyle choices and still be hired, you are not violating any civil liberties or Bill of Rights issues. But, rewarding those who make good choices may help improve the health and productivity of all employees because they will have incentive to lose weight/make healthier life choices. If employees actually follow this plan and make good lifestyle choices, companies will still hire the most qualified and create incentive for the most qualified to become healthier individuals. Companies have the power to be proactive in this problem. They can save money on health insurance and motivate employees to make better lifestyle choices through a reward system, creating a win-win situation.
According to a 1990 poll by the National Consumers League, 81% of Americans believe that an employer has no right to refuse to hire an overweight person. I totally agree with this statement. There isn’t one person in this world that doesn’t have some type of health issue due to a personal lifestyle choice (which we are entitled to as Americans). While we should not discriminate in the hiring process, I don’t think that it would hurt to provide incentive for employees who do make good lifestyle choices and are healthier. Maybe making those who have higher medical bills due to poor lifestyle choices pay for those bad decisions by making them pay more for their health care will provide them motivation to change.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Tourism refers as travel for predominantly study, recreational leisure or pleasure and adventure purposes. While tourist are people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity.
Tourists might occupy local services such as entertainment, accommodation and catering. Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the ability to constantly adapt to customers' changing needs and desires. It may seem that tourism brings only benefits, but further consideration shows that it also has its disadvantages.
Tourism results in both many advantages and disadvantages. Tourism provides direct employment for the people in bars, hotels and in tour guides. This results in the average standard of living of people increases and leads to further lowering of dependency ratio, the employment of the country increases while unemployment decreases. If there is high employment in a country then the country can concentrate and focus on other aims and objectives like, education, health care and other important issues. Tourism also offers indirect employment in terms of factory workers who help to produce goods and services in the economy to meet the increasing demands of the population. Tourists also take with them, souvenirs which can be produced by people; farmers are also encouraged to produce more food for the population.
Many countries depend heavily upon travel expenditures by foreigners as a source of taxation and as a source of income for the enterprises. The development of tourism is often a strategy to promote a particular region for the purpose of increasing business through exporting goods and services and this is another benefit that tourism is able to develop. The economy and population of third world countries can increase if tourism is evident in the country. The introduction of the development of tourism in areas such as these offer local people an opportunity for economic and educational growth which will have a positive influence on a unpopular area.
If a country has experienced rapid tourism growth then the country is benefit a lot from the sector and hence it generate its GDP i.e. Gross Domestic Product.
Some of the negative effects of tourism are much less philosophical. In many areas, crime increases dramatically during the tourist season, falling back to more usual levels when the visitors have all gone home. Although much of this will be targeted at the supposed easy pickings of the tourists themselves, it is not without its repercussions on the local population and the police and consular authorities on the ground. In some places, the price of many staple foods and other essential items can be hiked up considerably to maximize the catch of tourist dollars, but this artificial inflation can often catch local people too – who often can least afford it. In addition, in countries which are rich in wildlife and natural beauty, although initiatives to bring in tourists often contribute to parts of the local economy, by no means everyone benefits? It is also one of eco-tourism’s greatest ironies that attempts to safeguard the environment can also make life worse for indigenous people, particularly if vast swathes of their traditional lands become part of a protected reserve. Tourism lead to increase in prices of commodities within the local community where by prices are been sated high to catch the demand of tourists. Also tourism lead to dependence sector within the local community especially is the society that depends on tourism to obtain it income in addition it leads to seasonal character jobs around the local area.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

college students use stimulants illegally

Nowadays, college students are trying to get more done than what they can do in their life at short period of time. Drugs like Ritalin and Adderal are commonly prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, students abuse this drugs buying them illegally or giving false symptoms’ to doctors to have the medication prescribed so they can use it for themselves or sell it to others. College students use this drug as a tool to helps them to concentrate on exam week. It is obvious that when college students have trouble in school, they need to study harder. However, when the school environment is incredibly competitive, they seek a way of competing with others. By abusing ADHD drugs they try to catch up and succeeded in their school work. College students whom involve themselves in such drug abusive activity believe that if they don’t take this ADHD drugs, they will be disadvantaged to everyone else. So as a result students use these stimulant prescribed drugs which is illegal to get their academic work done quicker or do more than what they could do in a short period of time. It sounds like no one cares about what could happen or what the side effect could be. All they want is to finish their school with those 4 years taking the medicine and then graduate. According to federal drug officials there is major health concern which Ritalin can increase the chance to have heart rate and blood pressure among others problems in a long run. College students should know better, they may think that they can get away for the moment, but how about if they get sick once they finished school? The chance to be healthy enough to go to work or to hold a job for long time could be at risk. Would it be worth risking health just to improve concentration and study longer that is required for only 2-4 years of college years?
More information @

The Human Side of Smoking

Last week we learned that my brother-in-law has non-curable lung cancer. He’s 48 yrs old, has smoked since he was a teenager, dropped out of high school and rebelled for a while, got his GED, went to electrician school and has been a productive, working member of society since. He’s been married for 5 years, owns a home and has 2 cars that are paid for.

He’s now regretting his decisions to put off quitting a habit long ago that he knew was dangerous, but never thought it would happen to him. But it did happen to him and he probably will not be here in a year. He can’t stop apologizing to his wife for letting her down by getting cancer. He calls or texts me and other family members daily to tell us how much he loves us. It breaks my heart to know what he’s going to be facing over the coming months and what this terrible, but preventable disease is going to do to him and the rest of us as we watch him go through this.

He’s facing 4 – 5 months of chemotherapy and all of the terrible side effects of nausea, hair loss, weight loss and fatigue. He has no real chance of beating it all the way, but the hope is he will delay the inevitable.

There was something in tonight’s class on poverty that mentioned that smoking has dropped in the US and the cigarette manufacturers are now selling more overseas. Those other countries are seeing an increase in diseases because of it.

How can the people running the cigarette companies sleep at night? They have destroyed lives, wrecked havoc on the medical and insurance industries and caused so much pain and suffering.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders have become a huge problem in society. Just one look at these startling statistics and you will see:
“Experts estimate that one out of every hundred young women has anorexia, while bulimia affects as many as 3 to 4 percent of college-aged women. According to recent studies, approximately 1 percent of women suffer from binge-eating disorder, while an astonishing 30 percent of women who seek help to lose weight exhibit behaviors associated with binge-eating disorder. Eating disorders can have serious physical consequences. Without appropriate medical treatment, up to 20 percent of sufferers will die”(Social Issues).
Because of the large number of college aged women that are effected, I decided to take a look at what sort of programs Howard Community College has in place if any, to assist those who are in need of help.
After searching the college website and turning up with nothing, I decided to call the school. I got in touch with the Wellness Center and was able to have a very informative chat with the woman there. She outlined what the college has in place for assistance and noted the following.
First, every February there is a eating disorder awareness week at the school. The Wellness Center conducts self body image test and other various test that indicate an eating disorder. Second, if they encounter a person they suspect with an eating disorder during the eating disorder awareness week, they refer them to the career and counseling center. If the person decides to go through counseling they receive 8 weeks of free counseling.
My main concern is that there isn’t any efforts throughout the rest of the year to advocate counseling or the services provided. Outside of the awareness week, it is just left up to the individual to wonder into the Wellness Center to inquire of the services provided. There should be more advertisement of the services, so that individuals suffering from eating disorders know where to go to get help.


Behaviorial Rewards Replacing "Drugs" For ADHD

Researchers from the University of Nottingham in the UK have just concluded a study thats shows that using "behaviorial rewards" may be a suitable alternative to use with all but the worst ADHD cases in children. They found in the study by having parents reward the child "strongly positive" (with treats, extra activites, etc.) in a very "prompt" movement, the child was less likely to show impulsive behaviour which proved, to them, that this "positive reward" method affected the brain in the same way that medicine does. The also had parents reward "negative" behavior with very strong negative and grave consquences, finding that the children were much less likely to be impulsive or behave badly when given these "negative" rewards.

As a former child who was put on Ritalin for "ADHD", I think this is fantastic news. For me, the consequences of using Ritalin were overwhelmingly negative and overshadowed any good effect that it was able to produce. I would take Ritalin in the morning before going to school and whilst I was at school, the drug would most certainly help me "concentrate" and "calm down" but would have disastorous side effects when I came home at the end of the school day. I would have no appetite and would constantly be tired and unable to concentrate on anything for any appreciable amount of time. In short, I felt like a zombie and this really effected my homework getting done on time and ultimately effected my overall academic performance more than it helped it. After a two years or so, my family decided to take me off the medicine and allow me to learn to control my hyper-activity on my own terms. Once i learned how to effectively control my "resltessness" and lack on concentration without drugs, I did much better in school and was able to have a "life" after school rather than hardly being able to function.

I hope this research leads the way in getting children off of these potentially harmful drugs and allows them to learn to control themselves in a manner that they, themselves can live with. Being medicated for my entire life, day in and day out, is not my idea of a good life and doubt it is acceptable to most others as well. I also hope that these kind of "natural" treatments for things such as hyper-activity will force doctors to stop prescribing drugs as a first course of action and rather, put more responsibility on the parents to teach their kids ways to control their own behavior. Unfortunately, I think these kind of drugs have been horrendiously overprescribed by doctors for kids who perhaps just needed more attention and "work" with their parents which were seemingly too busy to worry about it.

Like all other research, there are certainly flaws and there is no way for these kind of "behavioral" fixes to work for 100% of the people afflicted by a disorder such as ADHD but I believe it will give more hope for less severe cases.

My final question to pose is, what do you think the drug companies that manufacturer these drugs (such as Ritalin, Aderol, etc.) are going to think when doctors prescribe their product less and less. To me, I think they would be very unhappy as this cuts into their profits.

What do you think?

More information @:


-Chris Laatsch

why do married men cheat on their wives

Blog #4
A brief description of cheating is an act of deception, lying, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating implies breaking rules. With this is mind comes the big question, why do married men cheat on their wives? As I was doing research on the internet on this interesting topic, I came across many articles with various reasons on why married people cheat and in particular why married men cheat on the wives.
Some statistics say that roughly 50 percent of married men will cheat, and at least 81 percent won't admit to it even after a woman asks that searing question.
One website has top 10 reasons why married men cheat. Below is the list from that site.
1. Boredom - Men tend to get bored of their married life. Life at times become monotonous.
2. A roving eye -Men are supposed to have a roving eye.They like looking and admiring other women.
3. A nagging wife - Many husbands get fed up with a nagging wife at home.
4. A neglected wife - A man gets fed up with a wife who does not take care of herself and prefers a better looking woman.
5. Sexual incompatibility - A few years down the line a husband may feel his emotional and physical needs are not being met.
6. To try out something new - A man feels he needs a change of scene and would like to spend time with someone different.
7. Easy access to female companionship - Often on bussiness trips, a man tends to take advantage of being with another female colleague and enters into a relationship with her.
8. Male ego - some husbands often feel superior about being a man and like to focus on their macho qualities of being able to attract another woman.
9. Peer pressure - Some friends may cajole a him into trying out something new.
10. Wife paying too much attention to children and household chores - a husband may feel neglected, because he wants more attention, so he gets an excuse to get it from an outsider.
I disagree the above reasons, I believe these are just excuses that allow men to cheat. If there is a problem in a marriage I believe the best way is to solve it or make it better
I strongly believe it is wrong for a married man to cheat on his wife, regardless of the reason that leads him to do so. I am not trying to be harsh on men, we hear all the time cases of married women cheating on their husbands as well. Everyone should remember the vows they exchanged when they got married, the promise to foresake all others and be faithful only to him or her. For those who did not officially get married, they at least made promises to each other before agreeing to start a life together. What do you think?

Two celebrities reminders: Tiger Woods and Jesse James affairs.

WWW. instah.com/top-10-reasons-why-married-men-cheat/


Blog #4

Who would believe a soldier does not only go to war to fight physical and psychological enemies; but also after a war ends, the soldier still continues the battle at home?

I was reading through some stories in my literature test book and was surprised about two interesting stories on "THE THINGS THEY CARRIED" AND "SOLDIER'S HOME." While in"The Things They carried," the writer uses the theme of war to express adjustment of soldiers on the battle field, in "Soldier's Home" the theme of war is shown as an after event during adjustment to life back home.

In "The Things They Carried," I learned that, during a war, a soldier carries two burdens which are physical burdens and psychological burdens. The physical burden which includes things a soldier would need for personal daily activities like tooth brush and paste, sewing kit, cigarette, also the things a soldier would need for the war like ammunition. The psychological burdens aspects at the battle field is the struggle to keep one's dignity and forget about loved ones at home. The main character who carries letters and pictures of his lover in addition to the physical things for the battle, later notices that he has to loose his dignity by forgetting his lover and burns the picture and letters. The character does this after a soldier dies and and he blames himself for the death because he lost concentration of the battle and thinks only about his lover.

In "Soldier's Home," I see that after a soldier returns home from war, there is also a psychological battle of adjustment. On the return home of the main character, he looses interest in every activity at home even in his family members. He also lost his faith and finds it very difficult to adjust to the society in his town.
It is very amazing to me to realize all which a soldier goes through after much sacrifice to fight for the country. I believe we have to know what happens to soldiers so that on their return from battle, the family will understand them more. The society should also be aware so that a better plan will be put in place to address the post traumatic effects the war has on soldiers.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Hi everyone!!! We are not going to be able to meet in person tomorrow- I am SOO sorry!!! But don't you worry, we will NOT miss the opportunity to learn about American and global poverty!!

You will find all of the files you need for "class" on CE6 OR your email. You will need the mp3 podcast, 2 sets of power point slides, and 2 handouts. The income support policies table is just for you to glance at if you're curious about the programs we have to address poverty in the US, what they are, and how people get them. The Poverty in the US is a handout for you to read AND a worksheet to complete a personal budget if you had to live on what the government considers to be poverty wages.

Also, please watch this video: www.hulu.com/watch/5287/30-days-minimum-wage (You have to create a user ID and password because the video is for mature audiences and you have to verify your age) - this video is 45 minutes long

Finally, I'd like each person to post a comment or response to something in this "class." The video, the budget, the wealth calculator are good candidates. I also point out some questions or things to ponder in the podcast that you might consider responding to. Please post your responses on the Discussion Board section of CE6.

I strongly recommend doing this during our regular class time! Don't forget, blog 4 is due tomorrow. See you next week!!!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Prenatal Diagnostic Testing Debate


Recently I was reading for Human Development and I found a section on Prenatal Diagnostic Tests to be very thought provoking and interesting. It is a woman’s choice to do prenatal testing and with advances in medicine and technology, there are a number of tests that can indicate if a fetus is developing normally. At 10-12 weeks, chorionic villus sampling can be used to detect genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities such as Cystic Fibrosis, Spina bifida, Down Syndrome and Tay-Sachs disease. Also, between 15-18 weeks amniocentesis is a procedure that can test for chromosomal or metabolic disorders. Both of these procedures allow mothers to detect the presence of birth defects which may seem like a good thing but it concerns me greatly. With so many ways to determine information about your baby before he or she is born, it worries me that women will choose to abort babies who may have or be prone to diseases. While I am pro-choice, I am fully against this as a reason to have an abortion.
My opinion comes from a long history of volunteering and working with those with disabilities. As a special education educator, I have seen the progress made by my students each and every day. While they may not be on grade level with their reading and writing, they live happy lives and accomplish things such as learning how to cook, use computers, form sentences, ask questions and socialize. Just because they aren’t living a life that will end as a big time bank director or an engineer doesn’t mean that they won’t have a life full of success and accomplishments. When I volunteered with special education students in high school, I saw them go to their work sites like the grocery store and clothing stores. Some of them worked harder bagging groceries or hanging clothes than their normal co-workers who didn’t even care about their work ethic.
If a woman makes the choice to become a mother, it should not come with “only ifs”. “Only if” my child is a perfect size, shape, color, and has the perfect IQ will I keep the baby. Motherhood is a role that involves sacrifice and unending love. People may go to the extreme of finding out the gender, hair color, or predicted height and weight and have an abortion. While natural selection has lead us to be who we are today, I don’t think it is good for society if people select what kind of baby lives or dies. The uniqueness of appearance and skills may be compromised.
Some may argue that people have an abortion because it is hard on family relationships to have such a needy child. There are increased rates of divorce and family problems. To them I would say that there are a lot of hard things in life. Death of family members, fires, loss of jobs, debt, and social problems all taint the idea of a perfect life. If couples can get through these issues using their trust and belief in the strength their relationship, why can’t they have a child who may not be absolutely perfect? While it may be more work, it is work that is well worth it. My students who have disabilities are the funniest most compassionate and caring children in the school.
Everybody is different and no one is perfect; it’s as simple as that. For mothers to use information about their baby’s genetic make up to decide whether they are going to have the baby or not simply defeats the purpose of that statement. People with genetic diseases such as Down Syndrome and Mental Retardation do have long and happy lives. I personally think they spice up the world and teach us to appreciate the simple things in life.


Conformity- doing what everyone else does...
This is true, almost everyone does this. we do what others do, so we do not look stupid, or we dont know what were talking about. Its much easier to point the finger at someone else and blame them, for something they did as well. i find it easier to write a paper, after i see what others are doing and what direction they take it in. my perspective is almost always off when i do assignments, so i need help with what i do. doing what other do just makes it easier for me to see what it is im supposed to do, but also, if they are wrong so am i. as far as conformity in society, such as wearing what the girl next to me wears, i dont think i follow this. i wear what i feel is comfterble, and what i think looks nice. i dont think fashon has a way into my wallet, its just too expensive. i gave up on having what everyone else has because it is just too much most of the time. i dont believe conformity is a big deal, i disagree with people when they say, "OMG this person is TOTALLY copying me" i say that is untrue, and that anyone will do what they please. conformity is a way for people to blame each other for mistakes, and i do fall into thoes who are conformists because i dont want to take control of my actions or the things i do, at least for now.

to be or not to be? that is the question!!!

Being a teenager in the USA is hard when it comes to peer pressure...it is hard when you always say no to everything, even when its legal to do. something as simple as hanging out with friends becomes hard because im always scared someone will have drugs or something illegal and ill get pulled over and searched, and then I will go to jail. peer pressure isnt fun especially when you are very straight edged. i drink sometimes, but thats just about it. i dont do drugs, or anything else like that. people around me are always doing drugs and ask me if i can do them as well, but i always decline. people look at me like im boring, just because i cant hang out with them, because they do drugs. i dont enjoy being paranoid all the time, and i dont like the people that do drugs all the time. it makes me uncomfertable and i dont want to mess my life up because of someone else's mistakes.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that is diagnosed in children between the ages of two to four. It’s debated on whether it is hereditary or environmental. The complexity of the disorder has taken a toll on finding a cure for it. Autistic children are incapable of reading other human faces. This makes it unable for them to read emotions like normal children do. The lack of eye contact during infancy is something to bring up during a child’s routine doctor’s check-up. According to autismspeaks.org, “1 in 150 children are diagnosed with autism, making it more than Pediatric cancer, Diabetes, and Aids combined - boys are 4 times more likely to develop it than girls.” That is a frightfully high number. The symptoms can range from mild routine and repetitive behaviors to obsessively and rigidly arranging objects. Some are completely withdrawn from reality, unaware of what’s going on around them.

Autism has turned into a nationwide epidemic in the last several years. Parents are being made aware of this disorder in order to catch it early. According to the autismspeaks.org website, “The law mandates that the state provide all eligible children with free and appropriate education that meets their unique individual needs. One of these free educations is Early Intervention. It’s very important that parents take advantage of this opportunity as soon as the child is diagnosed. It makes a hell of a difference in the future of that child as independent adult. Early intervention may be directed towards the child or the entire family. It’s crucial that the whole family is on board in order for the treatment to be successful.

Adolescence years are difficult for any growing child let alone one with Autism. First of all they are confused on what is taking place in and on their bodies. According to the article from the National Institute for Mental Health, (Cited in what is Autism?) “they may become painfully aware that they are different from their peers.” A realization they may not be ready to face. This may result in regression of childhood behaviors such as rocking, hitting, all that they have worked so hard to overcome. These children need even more support from family, school and peers. Every little effort put is something that will benefit the lives of so many young autistic adults.

Vocational program may be the best thing when a young autistic adult is aged out of public school. Their option will depend a lot on how much they are functioning independently and their social interaction level. They may excel at some jobs depending on their capabilities. For example one who is antisocial but works alone with enormous amount concentration may turn out to be a great computer programmer. One who still enjoys obsessive repetition could be filing cabinets for a living.

Individuals with Autism are part of our society and bringing awareness to everybody should be our goal in defeating this disorder. Autismspeaks.org is a nonprofit Organization that does just that. Please spread the word and reach out a helping hand. We can all make a difference. Just like its true for all of us whether Autistic or not, we are limited by our own abilities and shortcomings. Let’s build on our strength.

Works Cited


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


A homeless person (homelessness) is one who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence, or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel, or any public or private place not designed as sleeping accommodations for human beings.
There are several factors that contribute towards increase of homelessness in America, these factors are;
Poverty is considered the main and largest contribution of homelessness. Poverty is the part and parcel of every society. To be poor means to lack the basic necessities. Once it strikes it is unstoppable and inevitable and drives that drove many people out in the streets around the globe. It is believed that the number in poverty is intensifying day by day. How to hamper it is yet unknown to the world.
It was estimated that in 2000, 11.3 % of the U.S population lived below the line of poverty. Of those number children ranked as the highest individuals who are homeless. The trend continued to increase even further. In 2004, 12.7% of U.S population or 36 million people live in poverty in a nation that’s considered one of the richest in the world.
It is believed that so called welfare is not providing the necessary benefit to those families who are in need. Fewer people are receiving assistance which doesn’t meet their needs. For instance in 1996, the well known public assistance Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) changed to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) to stabilize family situation but to no avail. The TANF benefits and Food Stamps all together were not sufficient.
The majority of those people are affected families headed by single mothers. To support their children these mothers must have enough resources, but the welfare gives them less than they need. Because of this, 20% of those families have no options but to become homeless in America.
Homelessness occurs as a result of failing to pay rent. This happens when an individual works but earns less than required or the person is fired from a job he/she is depended on. Most of the time, these people live in the cities and the bills are high and they get evicted if they don’t pay their rent on time. Even though the government has provided some shelters for homeless people, overcrowding forces many individuals to live in the streets.
Some people lose their homes due to destruction in nature. The natural disaster causes the greatest loss to many people. It may even cost their lives. People, who remain homeless in the aftermath of the disaster, end up in unsafe places. They don’t have insurance to reconstruct their homes because they cannot afford insurance at all or can't move to new areas. So to make the ends meet, they live wherever they can find shelter, a good example is what happened in New Orleans Louisiana 2005 after the hurricane strike Gulf of Mexico as a result of it a big number of people became Homeless.

Solutions to Homelessness in America
So far the U.S has improved its homelessness status, but more needs to be done. We have institutions like Section 8 and Welfare, which offer financial plans. What these financial planners do is construct a minimum payment so that those without jobs can have financial security as well as shelter where they can live. There are other organizations such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and Care that help with materialistic items, such as clothes, house hold materials, and other items used for hygiene purposes. Anyone can donate clothes; can foods, and learning materials there. It is great that these resources are available, but it does not fix being homeless it just gives them enough to get by. What our nation needs is something that will bring a lasting solution for homelessness and poverty.
Ways to End Poverty
A way to end poverty in our nation is to increase economic growth. This is basically having more jobs be available to the unfortunate. America is under a high amount of debt; therefore increasing cash flow throughout the nation is beneficial for both the shareholders and the nation as a whole. The high rate of poverty has been one of the results of a weakening American economy, with a debt of 43 trillion dollars. Most of the nation is poor because of the lack of financial education. Also, by not knowing how to read and understand rates, mortgages and taxes.
In addition to economic growth, education is also an important factor in solving the homeless problem in America. Everyone should be required to at least have a high school diploma. For those who have not graduated, drop-outs, or those in other situations, there could be resources to allow finishing their education. Research shows that education allows people to get better jobs.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Recently I had a good sensible talk with my doctor about my sharp increase in weight gain. I absolutely agreed with all that he said in regards to problems with my weight gain such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. But as I left the clinic I felt bad about the talk. I felt attacked , honestly I don't know why because everything he said was true and for my benefit.

I will back up and fill you in with big factors such I'm pregnant and close to 38 weeks. My weight gain has been around 55 lbs over the course of pregnancy. Apart from other issues going on with me right , such as being unable to put on my shoes, sleepless nights, problem breathing, getting chores done, taking care of my 3 year old, I'm flabbergasted that someone bringing up my weight issue will bring me down.

Honestly I thought this is the only time in my life that someone wouldn't bring up weight issues. I its shaken me to my core that someone thought I was too fat. I remember the doctor saying "go on a diet if you have to". So it got to me so much that I watch anything and everything I eat right now, and get out of the house for walks. The last time I went for my weekly check up
I had lost 2.5 lbs. I'm hoping not gain anymore until my baby is born.