Monday, May 18, 2009

Michael Vick to be Release on Wednesday

The former football star of the atlanta falcons is expected to be release from prison to home where he will complete his remaining term. The big news is whether he will be allowed to play in the N.F.L. this year. Every body is weighing in on the issue and there are mixed opinion on whether he should be allowed to play again or not.
My opinion he that he's serve his term and punishment and so he should be allowed and given a second chance. Every body makes mistakes in life some piont in time and I think it's very imperative that Americans starts to recognize that and move. We often judge people when they fall short but don't realize that we ourselves are not perfect. Vick is a good man and his involvement in the dog fighting scandal was embarrasing but he is just a man. I am quite sure he has realize his mistake and is ready to move on never to take part in such a brutal ill treatment of animals or any living thing anymore. We have too many big problems in the world today than animal cruelty not to diminish or take side with him in any ways but realy we have a lot to take care of. There are millions of people dying of hunger and sicknesses all around the world that are forgorten. We need to care for those people first before crucifying people for killing dogs. I don't mean to offend any body in any way but lets face the truth here there i no where on earth that people will take the life of a dog or animal over that of a man.

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