Sunday, February 14, 2010

Childhood Development.

It is really amazing to see children grow from childhood into adulthood and watch the different qualities in them. Even when children of the same parent are given the same training, some children come out to be like their parent and then we say "Like mother like daughter, or like father, like son". On the other hand, some children grow to be completely different from the training they were given and one wonders what really happens. My question is,"DOES CHILDHOOD TRAINING AFFECT CHILD DEVELOPMENT?". Sometimes it is very surprising to see even a religious man or a pastor's child grow to be completely different from the good works of the father as they grow. Those children who grow to be vagabonds are very difficult to change because they do not listen to any advice. This behavior is very disturbing to the parents from my observation.
When I look at the situation, I sometimes I think although the parents may give them good training, when the children leave home and go to high schools and boarding schools, peer pressure causes them to change from what they learned at home. However, I also wonder why children will choose to leave the good training to adopt something bad. When I take my training and growth into consideration, I must say that my father was a very principled man with himself but not compulsive on his children . I rather choose to admire his qualities and find myself thinking like him. This training followed me to high school and I won a prize for 'OUTSTANDINGLY GOOD BEHAVIOR'. I realised that I hate to be recognized for anything because it does not make me to feel natural but rather do things because that is what is expected. This quality seems to follow me everywhere I go and this makes me think that, childhood training have a role in child development. But why do some children still refuse to keep the good training from home. Is it their natural traits that makes them to be difficult?.

Patricia Nartey


  1. I agree with you about children sometimes turning out diffrerent than their parents or their parent's up bringing. Thus the term "black sheep". Nevertheless parents should do their best in good faith that the child/ren will not stray and if they do you know not to blame yourself/selves for you know you can only teach and guide them and not make decisions for them once they are grown up.
    Once the kids hit teenage peer pressure becomes stronger the bond with the family. This is when everything you taught your child will come to play. His/her will and strength will be tested and parents are there to talk and guide during this crucial time. The hardest this is to watch your child probably find things out for him or herself when you are dying to tell them been there, done that and it ain't worth it!

  2. This is absolutely true, children might be brought up very well by their parents but as they grow up they change and adapt different and sometimes very bad habits. It really beats every parent that goes through this.
    What I believe as a parent, we should never be tired of teaching our children what is right from wrong, continue instilling in them good values and morals and when they grow and part from us, those good morals and values will always remain in them.
