Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't ask Don't tell

At a young age Americans are taught to accept people and respect them for their differences. How can we as adults preach this and expect other adults to hide basic truths about themselves. Our country is very advance in our thinking of freedom for everyone but our military will not allow the freedom of openly gay men and women to serve our country. By saying don't ask don't tell we are asking them to lie about something they can not control because it is too difficult to deal with. By asking this of our soldiers we are telling young gays it is not OK to be gay, you make other uncomfortable. If a young boy is gay and dreams of serving our country he can not openly be true to himself by doing so. This is setting the gays rights movement back years in their fight for equal rights. People do not agree on many things like religion and politics but we all agree and respect each others right to have differences. It is what our country was founded on. Based on this idea how can we ask gays to hide their sexuality. It is understood that by taking away the don't ask don't tell policy it will not take away the problems gays face in the military, but at least it is a fair fight for them. It will create an acceptance necessary for the future of our country. If young gays see we are behind them, it will give them strength. Strength is mush needed in a time when so many young gay are committing suicide because they see no future happiness. By saying be yourself we will support you shows the youth that things do get better and our country supports you.


  1. I agree with you on this post. I believe that whether a person is gay or straight, they should be given the same respect especially when putting their life on the line to protect our country. I understand that "don't ask, don't tell" allows gay men and women to serve just so long as they don't say anything about or deny their true sexual orientation. What's the problem then? If they able to serve then that should be good enough, shouldn't it? Of course not! Why should any of our soldiers be living in fear of getting kicked out of the service, if some other idiot comes along and decides to reveal him or her?

  2. I agree with your post 100% and i feel as though our generation will change the don't ask don't tell policy just because our generation doesn't give a shit whether or not people have different orientations. It's like interracial marriage in which eventually just surpassed the old timers and eventually went through. The idea of Serving our country should be good enough and doesn't hinder the fact that Gays or lesbians protect our freedom in which so many people respect. Why not start from respecting the military whether or not gay or lesbian.

  3. You have a good point. However, did you ever think that maybe the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was created to protect gays...?
    Think about it. Lets say an openly gay soldier was out on the battle field serving his country. Okay. Lets also say that his sergeant is a homophobe. The sergeant could order the gay soldier to go out into a dangerous zone for the fact that he doesn't like gays. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy could be there to negate biased thoughts from soldiers.

  4. I agree with this post 100 percent but not the response above me. DADT doesn't protect gay members at all but it does a great job of alienating gay members even more. It makes it very clear that there is difference in the person depending on if you are homosexual or heterosexual. From the outside and from someone who has not served as closeted gay member of the military, it is hard to really understand just how segregated and unprotected by the policy you really are.

  5. i dont really understand the whole gay movement but i do understand that people do have the right to be who they are and shouldnt have to hid it from anybody and shouldnt be made to feel ashame. but i must say yall missing out, aint nothing like a woman... God's finest creation love them all..
