Friday, November 19, 2010

Teenage Pregos

We are constantly told the teenage pregnancy rates are skyrocketing we need to stop it from happening all together. I agree with trying to stop teenage girls from having babies, but is it normal? For every 1000 teenage girls there are approximately 51 births. That is very close to the same figure in the 1920s. Maybe the difference is that back then people were used to the idea of starting families early and gang independence at a young age. They not only had children but were married, and had a husband that could support them. Now, we have a barriers that prevent younger girls to get married and younger boys to maintain jobs. Are we really creating an issue from nothing?
I have many friends that have had kids at young ages. It seems that that their lives are normal, maybe not for our age, but they get things done. Yes, they limit themselves from the things they could be doing but at the end of the day that’s the life they choose to live. I think we have done a great job on supporting girls who have kids earlier on, but we can do more by being nonjudgmental. Teenage pregnancy is not normal but something that will happen. We need to get used to it because it’s important for everyone to still be able to have a fair chance at life.


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  3. Having a baby at a young age is risky for teenagers because it can cause many problems with their education and dreams. A teenage mom may have to put off her education to care for the baby. The financial burden can sometimes be hard and cause for state support. My advice will be to a teenager is to plan a pregnancy when they have completed their education and can properly provide for the baby. This way the already stress of being a new parent will be easier and a happier time being a parent.

  4. I agree with your post and how we need to be more supportive of those younger girls that become pregnant. A big issue among those girls though is their reasons for having a child. Some girls will have a baby solely because they think their boyfriend will stay with them that way. Others think its fun or will make them more grown up. Silly reasons like this are not right and need to be addressed. However, if you truly believe your ready and are able to provide the best life possible for your child, I dont see why a pregnancy at a young age should be frowned upon. The mother needs to realize that it is going to be very tough and they are going to have to make sacrifices such as school and friends, but with the right attitude and support around you, having a child at a young age is no less amazing then one at an older age.

  5. Much has changed since the 1920's and more is expected of women in today's society, so speaking of the two as if they were the same just doesn't make sense to me. I agree that young mothers should not be treated poorly, but I don't feel any reason to smile at the thought of a child raising another child. There is so much more to parenting than just skipping a few parties, not hanging out with friends and changing a few diapers. I commend the ones that are able to take on such a huge responsibility and do a great job of it, but I can't help but feel sorry for the child that's being cared for. Sure, there's no such thing as "the right age" to have a child, but I don't see what a teenager could have to offer while she's still living at home under her parents' roof and house rules.

  6. You know, you have a good point. I just wish I could walk past a pregnant girl younger than myself and think "Hey, good for her." Unfortunately, I walk past her and think "What the hell was HE thinking." These girls are not having the babies without the men...
    I think in some cases, the guys aren't careful enough. The guy will get the girl pregnant, and THEN the girl will suddenly decide that she wants to have the baby, so, as someone else said, she'll feel as though she's closer to her boyfriend or she'll feel "more mature."
    You're right though, the issue should be left alone. I personally wouldn't call it a problem as long as everything is stable for the baby...

  7. Teenage pregnancy is becoming as normal as going to the market. I agree. We have to accept it because we all know it isnt gonna cease. As long as theres sex and promiscuity, there will be teenage pregnancy. My 15 y.o sister has a friend, Nyiel whos 16 and pregnant. Was I shocked? No. Why because this shit is normal now-a-days.

  8. I Agree we need to accept pregnancy for what it is, it has been happening a lot and if we accept it we can make that teenage moms life easier.I personally dont think its a big deal , pregnancy is a gift and if they are willing to have a baby and take care of it than i have nothing wrong with them

  9. yo... teen pregnancies are out of control... to many girls are being left alone to raise these children and the cant do it on there own. and if you help them to much they become dependent and will never learn the lesson. see these girls made a choice and they have to live with it. they decide to alter their lives no one did it for them. all we can do is help them along and make sure the mature properly
