Friday, November 19, 2010

I Need This Semester to End

Im all for going to college. I talked about that in my last blog. However, Im worn out! Ive wrote paper after paper. Researched this topic and that topic. Took this test and that test. I cant catch a break. Im a full time student and I have no life other than school, home, gym and work. I havent been to the gym in 2 weeks! So much for my 50lb weight loss by march. I just dont see me meeting my deadline. My point is this: for some, going to college means giving your life away. We get so consumed, it seems, that we forget to enjoy our younger years and for some, our older years. Life is more than taking tests. Its more than doing tons of research. Its more than cramming to study for an exam and doing DNA extraction in the lab only to see what looks like snot (lol) on a toothpick. While we stand to gain in the long run, it seems to me that we loose so much. There has to be a balance. Maybe there is and I just havent found it yet.


  1. Let me offer a solution to being in college. You need some concentration and sacrifice and time to be able to do what really need to. It is also important to have a plan, having a plan is very important it can help you find some time for yourself. College is hard, however many more people are having a harder time in the work force today. The challenge is to make the best of a bad situation and look for solutions to the problems we face. Surely after difficulty comes ease.

  2. i totally agree with you, and i cant wait for this semester to be over. everyday goes by, and i look at myself becoming more of a nerd. i still go to the gym and have my fun, but its just not the same thinking about school work all the time. iam so glad there is only 2 weeks left, because i cant take this anymore... eventhough i say this, but after the holidays, i totally forget about these stuff, and i want to go back to school.

  3. I completely and 100% agree that the semester needs to end but it seems like you are putting too much on you at once. College is tough and takes away a lot of your life but you need to either lower your amount of classes and get out some. I am full time but I made sure I gave myself time to myself and hanging with friends. I go to work and I am full time and taking two lab classes is kinda tough because of the amount of work but you must get some fun in your life because you will just become more stressed and that is not what you need with being in college. Take a day off every week for yourself to relax or go out or even just stay in and watch a movie with friends or your spouse. It will be what you need.

  4. Having an outlet (going to the gym) is the only way I have ever done well in school. For me, riding bikes and playing in bands keep me sane throughout the semester.

  5. I AGREE so much with this blog. Classes have been so stressful and homework has been a killer. But i agree with tim the best way to handle things is to be active. The gym helps a lot, i personally like getting in the hot tub, pool its amazing !!

  6. for real school do need to end... we only got 2 weeks but its about to feel like forever. i dont mind the test cuz i dont fail test but as for the homework and stuff. i swear its gonna be the end of me. one of middle school teachers once told me homework was there for people that didnt understand the work. it gave them an extra chance to practice. but what if i dont need extra practice? what if i already kno all this stuff? i swear its a waste of time... i could be using the time i use on homework to make money or get my body ready for track season.
