Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Genetics Vs Social Enviroments

I don’t really know that much about sociology until the first day of the class. I always want to know about people’s behaviors, why do some change their behaviors day after day? I understand anybody could face a good day the next day could be a horrible day. I believe its most like because of the social environment or their lives could let them face certain challenging that affects them socially. Therefore; which I learned many things the first day the class that makes me realized how much it opens my eyes to see myself in and with different point of perspective people behaviors. However; I have different personality than everyone in my family. I have many things that make me I am part of the family, but I still believe each individually has her/his own that makes her/his different or unique from others.
From sociology class I learned that people learn things from others by socialization internalizing values with others and from families? Even though I agree with this statement I still I have some disagreement with genetics. I am not disagreeing 100%, but I always have questions about genetics that I never quite understand. I believe that genetics don’t always work perfect. When I say this I am not talking about DNA I am talking about how person behaviors or his/her characteristics that shapes her/his to go beyond their genetics. That led them to have some kind of character they are inside and outside. I also believe that kids learn many things from their family, friends, and environment until they know who they really want to be. But does this affect them who they are inside and outside? Which one is more influences them more as who they are inside or outside?
Nevertheless; when one of my classmates was talking about how her sister is different from the rest of the family. That makes me to think about genetics I had in my mind because genetics don’t makes us how me see things or how we approach and value things different way than our family. When sometimes some people show phenomenon behaviors others see that it’s because of her/his family. No it’s not because of the family it’s because of who we are chosen to be. In fact when we see some inadequate behaviors we mostly like we get it from the environmental factors we live in, whether it positive or negative. And it’s because how we process which each things we learn and internalize the values and norms we think it fit who we are. I know genetics, social life, environments play a large roles part of how we behaviors and how act. But which one is most character impact human’s behavior, environment or genetics? Also do they pass those behaviors to their next generation, and which one do they pass the negative or positive one?


  1. These are interesting questions, deciding how much of each of us is genes/biology, environment/socialization, and how much is total free will or free choice to be who we want to be. Each of these three attributions has big implications for how we see ourselves and each other, whether or not we accept responsibility for things, take risks, make changes, etc.

  2. Questions you raise in regard to freewill are very interesting. In my Human Development class, we have also discussed the role played by nature and nurture, but nothing has been said about the role of freewill in shaping our behaviors. All of us have freewill, but everyone exhibits it at different degrees. However, another question arises then – how do some people develop greater degree of freewill than others? To me, the answer comes down to the nature-nurture issue. I believe that the way our parents rear us (environmental experience) is way more important in developing freewill than inherent traits (products of gene activities).
