Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus Check: Round Two

Although the first stimulus bill approved by former president George Bush gave Americans cash, it also gave them a sense of false hope. I mean he [George Bush] gave out $700 billion dollars just so everyone can cut $1,000 dollars off of whatever debt they already owe. The end product was still a withering economy, no jobs, and even more debt.
When I first heard about the basic plan of this bill I thought it was a great idea. I mean you get the money, you go out and shop until you drop, then all these stores go back in the positive and start hiring more people which in turn puts more money out into the market. So this sounds great on paper, but in reality I knew it would fail. Simply because mans basic instinct is survival and not economic revival. So if you have an outstanding debt, then you WILL chip away at it rather than spend money shopping to try and boost an economy. I don't blame the American people for taking the money, mainly because I benefitted from the stimulus too, but rather I think the money would've been better used in creating more jobs. Now with that said, there are plans now for creating more eco-friendly jobs. This is what you call a two-fer. You create more jobs and you help the environment. We desperately need to help the environment too, but that's another subject for a later time.
So all in all, for President Obama to pass the second stimulus is still questionable in my mind, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. I honestly hope the economy gets better through this stimulus, but I just don't see it happening.


  1. My concern on the stimulus issue is somewhat political. When president Bush lobbied for the first stimulus package, it was acceptable to the Republican Party. Now the question is, is it a plot on their part to see President Obama fail as a president? Obama’s stimulus plan comes at a time when it’s highly needed. Every time I watch my stocks and 401 K investments flush down the toilet, I wonder if it’s worth it any more. I keep asking myself if I should just shut it down and reopen when the economy picks up. When will that be? No one knows.
    However to get back to my point, I think the republicans were acting malicious and unpatriotic by putting pride first before the American people. This presidency should be used as a unifying time and a time o let by gone be bygones. I am not saying that they should not oppose other bills with valid reasons NO! I am just saying that America needed this one. Like you Sonny, I sure hope this one make a difference because if it fails, we are in deep trouble

  2. I do think the republicans are hoping the president's stimilus plans doesn't work. i also find it very naive and stupid for all the republicans to not back the president's effort to help put people back to work and reduce if not stop the massive lost of jobs all around the country. It was a republican president who resided over the economic for the last eight years in the first place and so I realy don't know why in hell they are basing their arguement on or about. It is time for Americans to put politics and partisanship aside and work for the common people and get the economic back on track.
    I hear people sometimes say that why should the president get this huge sum of money in the first thirty days in office and I think to myself like is it for his personal wealth or is it for the good of the American people? I realy don't know what to think any more except to wait and let God save us from this rubbish in find ourselves in.

  3. I think Republicans and Democrats and everyone else should feel free to express their dissent, no matter what the circumstances. But, I agree with Jeff and Anne that the timing of Republicans to turn off the flow of money right AFTER all of the banks and car companies got their freebies was odd. So, in November, we "HAD" to give away $700 billion to companies to fix the economy. And now, we "CANNOT AFFORD" to spend money on infrastructure development, housing issues, food stamps, unemployment, job creation, etc. Seems profoundly and mindlessly political. The question is, does the public see it this way? Or, will Obama's wide support erode quickly because of the uncooperative, suddenly fiscally conservative approach Congressional Republicans are suddenly taking on spending?
