Sunday, February 22, 2009

illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration has become a serious problem in the United States within the more recent years. There are more than ten million undocumented immigrants that currently live in the U.S. and the number continues to increase by 700,000 a year. The problems that these immigrants have been causing are; they have brought more violence and crime to our country and tax payers are supplying education and health care for them.
Drug trafficking, gangs, and terrorism have all been directly linked to the problem with illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is the source of illegal Mexican drugs. 75% of all cocaine and 40% of all heroin is smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico. I’m sure it doesn’t help that the NAFTA agreement allows Mexican truckers free access to America's southern borders, in an effort to speed the transit of manufactured goods between Mexico and the United States. Gangs have also become one of the major threats in illegal immigration. One gang, MS-13, is found in thirty-three states across America, including Los Angeles, Houston, New York, and Washington D.C. They are a highly organized and well funded Central American gang that consists of mostly Salvadorians, Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Nicaraguans. They are known for drug smuggling, gun running, and people smuggling. Terrorism has also been directly linked to illegal immigration. Three out of the four terrorist pilots in the 9/11 attacks were in this country illegally.
Tax payers have been paying for these undocumented aliens to go to school and to be provided with sufficient health care. More than 380,000 “anchor babies”, or babies born to illegal immigrants, were born in the United States in 2005, making these babies automatic U.S. citizens. 97.2% of all costs incurred from these births were paid by the American tax payer. Tax payers have also been paying for ESOL teachers to teach them English and to give them an education.


  1. I have heard many different arguments over the immigrant issue in the U.S. I think that we should be a bit tighter around our borders but after all this is the land of the free. Come to America to find a new way of life. I would think that if we really looked into it that we would find that there are just as many American babies born here in America that our hard earned tax dollars are paying for as well. Our welfare and medical assistance programs need to be looked at as a whole not just around those that are immigrants. The ESOL teachers I can also understand, they should be learning to speak English. I do believe that English should remain the first language and the required language in America. We should not have to learn another language to accommodate someone moving here.
    We are all immigrants if you really look at it. Excluding the few full blooded Native Americans that are still with us today. I stand in my family line, a full blooded MUTT. Cherokee, Irish, English, German, Scottish and who knows what I am missing. At one point or another, every one of my ancestors (excluding a Native American slave about seven generations back) came here on some boat and started over. They came here to find something better or something different. If we could all do it why can’t someone else.

  2. I just want to begin by saying that over 92% of heroin actually comes out of poppie fields that the U.S. government has been cultivating in Afghanistan, of course trafficked here by the CIA. As far as cocaine goes, it isn't coming from Mexico, just through it from South America. The main problem with immigration to this country is that our system embraces it. You can't really blame the immigrants for coming here. If I could leave this country and go somewhere where I would be taken care of and given the opportunity to raise a family while receiving welfare and healthcare, why the hell not? The fact that our system caters to illegal immigrants is the only problem with immigration. The miniscule amount of gang activity linked to immigrants is a tropical vacation in comparison to what comes out of legal citizens here. Terrorism is propaganda, not something linked to immigrants.
