Sunday, February 22, 2009

Octuplets mom with fourteen kids

I still find it hard to believe that a mom who is not maried and doesn't have a reliable source of income could have done such unethical and rediculouse thing. With her being the mother of six previous kids and still living at home with her parents should have been enough reasons why she shouldn't have done such thing. The doctor in question should also be held responsible for his role in this unprecedented event. He should have investigated this mom financial stability, marital status and the host of other critical issues febore even considering to go ahead with what she wanted. Nadya Suleman is the 33 year old mom who cruely and selfishly decide to inplant six of her previosely frozen ebryo eventhough she already had six kids under the age of eight that are on welfare. Eventhough she claimed she's not on welfare, later reports indicates that she has been onwelfare.

In an interview with NBC she said and I quote " I’m providing myself to my children, I’m loving them unconditionally, and accepting them unconditionally. I’ll stop my life for them, and be present with them, and hold them, and be with them.”

This is very nice to hear but the broader question is how is she going to care for them, feed them, clothed them, and provide their basic needs when she is not working? I advise for this craziness is that Nadya goes to seek psychiatric help and some conseling because I have never heared of anything of the sort in my life.


  1. I think I read somewhere that the doctor that performed this implant also performed her last implant that produced her twins. I would think that would be the only background knowledge that he would and could have on her. Investigating her would be taking away the rights that each one of us sane (at least I would like to think) women want and what so many others before us have fought for. I don’t know about you (sorry for leaving the guys out of this one) but the last thing I want is my GYN requiring a psych exam prior to an annual visit. I think more responsibility should fall on her parents. Although she is a grown adult she is also living at home with all of her kids. Did they really not know that she was thinking about doing this again? In order to be implanted you have to start with fertility drugs, they didn’t notice them? Did they really not notice her stashing part of the money she is receiving for her kids to pay cash for this quite expensive procedure? Now that I think about it….. If all of these answers are no, kind of says something for her mindset now!!! P.S. I read that she does receive $3000 each for two of her children in social security benefits because they are disabled, I have not read anything that confirms she was or is on welfare.

  2. I was deeply disgusted when I heard about this atrocity. One can't rightly say it's "wrong" to have that many children, but under what circumstance? The real problem with this isn't this one circumstance, but the fact that things like this have become a rising trend. The fact is that MANY people, usually being immigrants, come over here and take fertility drugs, and have multiple embryos implanted. It is not uncommon for someone to have a litter of six, in fact this happens all the time. The only reason Suleman actually got publicity is because its the first time all 8 have survived being born. Notice how you didn't hear about the 6 she birthed previously? The fact of the matter is, our system caters to acts like this, and tax payers will be left with the raw end of the deal.

  3. My first thought of this story was wow, I wish I was her. I want six kids and to get them all done at once would be great. However, it wasn’t until I heard that she now has a total of 14 children and had no job I was also disgusted. How in the hell can you support all the children and yourself with no income coming in? Also how can you give all 14 children the same amount of time with you? I also wondered how a fertility clinic allowed this lady to be implanted with eights embryo’s? I understand that she wanted to have a big family but without a job, someone to help, it seems impossible to be able to do.
