Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Government run healthcare option

Government run healthcare option
Having a public healthcare option in America should not be an issue. In a country such as America with all its wealth a poor health care should not ever exist. It is a disgrace to see mentally ill people living on the streets. Many people lose everything as they age and become ill. No one should end up on the streets because they are sick, and no one should be suffering from illness because they have no insurance. Everyone should have health care coverage and should get treated equally. A beneficially government-run health insurance plan is the best way to give consumers one more choice. The proposition of the United States government public option health care would improve the function of the health care industry in one way or another. The American health care system would be better off if the government included a public healthcare option within health insurance. In my opinion if there was option to have government run insurance, it will provide competition for private insurance which will force private insurance companies to become more honest with their customers. There is one thing that every American should know, a public healthcare option will not destroy private health care or reduce patient choices. Rather, it will save money over the long haul and help keep Americans healthier. This is about providing what is best for the people, not about watching out for corporate interests and their profits. Instead of spending millions on ads opposing public health care option reform, perhaps it would be beneficial for the private health insurance companies and the health care industry to seriously work together with government to provide affordable healthcare insurance and have the best health care system in America. Since I belong in low income category I believe that having this type of option will give us a good choice to have a better health care system in America. What could we have gotten more than this to live healthier?


  1. Its true that government run health care in America should not be an issue at all,this is the first world country considered to be top among the list,its shameful in 21st century America that some one is not covered for medicare or some one can become bankrupt because of health insurance , this bill is very significant to every American because its made to serve the people not to benefit the insurance firm,there is no need for politics to judge a good deal,people should look for the positive advantage of this bill not to oppose just to gain politics.

  2. I don’t personally have health care. If I really had to I could go to the VA for assistance but would only consider that option if I really had to. The health care in this country has issues, yes, but remains one of the most technologically advanced systems in the world. We have access to this health care in times where we face fatally threatening illnesses. That alone is a huge blessing. The problem I see with government run health care is that all we are doing is making a bad problem worse. I’m not really sure I even know of an efficiently run government program? Anytime we put the problem in the government’s hands, we deny our freedoms and choice, then fall subservient to a its will. Not to mention, it may sound inhumane, but health care is not a right. We all don’t automatically deserve health care because we live here. We need to make better health choices to decrease health issues and make more of a effort to pay for are own health expenses, if we can’t, there are already social programs in place to be utilized.
