Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Teen Pregancy

When i was in highschool, teen pregnancy was not a huge problem in my school...but afterwards when everyone went to college, that is when it started to bloom. Almost a third of my friends are having kids who are in college because they are not more careful, or they just want a baby. I dont see a problem with teen pregnancy as long as they CAN provide for the baby and raise them well...also as long as they have a mother and father to help baby the child, and have a nice home to raise them. Some parents act like it is the end of the world when their child gets pregnant...i think if the reaction from the parents are in a positive way rather than in a bad way, more teen pregnancies would go better then when they are scared to death to tell their parents. When parents done support their kids in pregnancy, the kid will probably move out and try to live on their own. Its hard enough to support yourself, let alone a child and a husband, or vice versa a wife and child. Also, with the support of parents you make it easier for the child to know how to handle hospital bills, when to take the child to the hospital if they are sick, things that a previous mother would have tons of experience with. I dont think that every teenager should go and get pregnant, and the parents should be forced to accept it, but i do think if it happens, it happens and you should look at it the best way you can for your child and for the one to come.


  1. Teen pregnancy seems to be on a rate of incline rather than decline. I agree that this may not be the end of someone's "world" but it is probably something that would break teenage parents' heart. Truthfully what teenager is competent enough to raise and financially support another human being when they themselves are probably a child? Studies have shown that a person hasn't even fully matured until the age of 24 or so. Granted if you are thrown into a situation where you are a teen and pregnant ( or the parent of a pregnant teen ) it is best to alleviate as much stress and anguish and make the best of the situation presented.

  2. Its been known that young women's bodies are usually ready and able to reproduce healthy children by late teens. Thats how we've evolved. Unfortunately the society we live in now a days is going exactly against that. Women now a days are going for equality with men both in school, jobs athletics and so on and so forth. This is all healthy competition for young adults to get involved in, something they are passionate about. There is just one thing that women forget or may be not think too much about during this healthy competition for making things better for themselves without a man's help like it used to be. Women have a biological clock and it starts ticking in early mid-teen to late-teen.
    So even though biologically teens may be doing what is expected of them( have sex and reproduce) it does not conform with what the society expects, which is college and Career.
    This is where early education, communication and use of contraceptives come in handy.
    The teen's contexts play a major role helping these stage a little easier and less confusing. Sex education should be talked about at home, church, school, school clubs and other contexts that they may belong to.

  3. It is every parents wish for their children to grow up, go to school, have a successful life. When a teenage girl becomes pregnant, parents dreams and wishes tend to be cut short. Such parents have a right to be disappointed and some react harshly. Other parents are very supportive and help their children raise the child.
    I am commenting on this issue through personal experience. I became a teenage mother at the age of 16 years. My parents were very supportive, they helped me raise my son as though he was their own. My mother let me go back to school while she took care of my son.
    Though my parents were supportive, they had to go through the disappointment phase, and later went for plan B. Despite the fact that my parents were there for me, I have to go through a lot of hard times as a growing teenager and a young mother.
    I would like to conclude by saying, though parents might be supportive of their teenage pregnant children and help them in every possible way, it is diffficult going through teenage pregnancy. I wish our teenagers would make good choices and wait.

  4. I do not dispute the fact that mistakes leadind to Teen Pregnancies are bound to happen and parents are to support the young mother during this time.However, it is not just the parent wish that their daughter should complete at least college level of education; it is also good for the girl to earn a better future living with husband and children.
    I also agree with what the earlier commenters said that, a teenager's body is not well developed at that stage for reproduction. Although the writer thinks that that it is okey once the teenage mother has a nice place to live and can take care of her baby and husband,she continues and ended by saying it is difficult to support her self. I believe it is the same difficulties that her parent consider when they worry because more burden will be added to them. Again, after delivery, if a mother is unable to continue with her education to earn more income, this may also lead to financial difficlties in her marriage.
    In general, it is not very advisable for teenage to get pregnant at that early age. It will be good to avoid it if possible. we can all start by giving early education and guidance to our children. It is both a family and public duty since the effects affacts everybody.

  5. One of my friends, who is 16, is having a baby. Her boyfriend is very supportive of this and the guys family is helping her out immensly. She struggled in the beginning when deciding wether to have an abortion, but she decided to keep it. It's been very hard on her having to juggle this along with school, but because she has support, it is easier. I, personally, would not want to have to juggle all those things at once, but I think that the most important thing is that a person has help somewhere in their life. That way, the pregancy can be healthy.

  6. When teen girls become pregnant, especially if the pregnancy is only the most recent in a long list of the young woman's problems, both the teen and her family often feel she will not be able to continue with the dreams and goals of the past. While things will clearly be different, hope can return. Once things happen the parents should work with the situation and helping teen for new goals to be set. And encouraging teen pregnant that self-steam and accomplishments are still within reach. Pregnant teens whom need and want to make a change in their lives have options. They can still finish their education. They can still go to college. They can even take advantage of residential programs and schools for pregnant teens and can get help as well. The parents have to be supportive so their daughters’ future will be what they thought it could be.
