Wednesday, March 3, 2010



Hunger is defined as the condition in which people are in need or desire for food to provide the nutrients for fully productive and active lives. In general the main source of hunger is due to lack of food supply and basic nutrients like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. Also starvation refer to severe lack of vitamins, proteins and nutrition that extremely affect human body and may either lead to death as a result. There has been Hunger cases exist in many parts of the world including here in America and many of the third world countries .In categorizing, it’s clear that type of hunger exist in America is different compare to those of outside world in comparison, for instance in America there has never been a shortage of national food supply in whatever case compare to other parts of the world where there is a shortage of food supply due to drought or any other factors. But also in America hunger prevail due to the fact that’s some people lack proteins, fats or certain vitamins in their body because of power of purchasing food items necessary to sustain themselves and therefore this refer to single individual hunger case in America not majority hunger case like it is in other countries.

In many countries of the world especially third world countries are suffer from poor agriculture and low technology in producing enough food to sustain or support large population which lead to lack of food supply in the country that enable prevail of hunger in its own citizens and even lead to starvation and famine among the people like it is in a country like Ethiopia or Somalia. Also geographical location of certain country may also be source of hunger in that particular country or region where it doesn’t receive a lot of rainfall or water to sustain agriculture activities that lead to poor, loss or lack of food supply which influence hunger or starvation.

By conclusion hunger and starvation may be overcome so far as to improve in the methods of agriculture technology and by increase in agriculture production to sustain enough food supply in the country.

1 comment:

  1. Another suggestion that could be made is; to spread the ‘wealth’ so to speak. We have so much abundance here in America as well as other prospering nations, that all we have to do is give the amount that we consume, that is extra and give it to people in need. It is apparent that we have abundance in this country due to the obesity rates. We just need to find some way to even out the food consumption internationally and make sure the people in areas of the world that need food will get it. It truly is sad that we’re one of the most prosperous nations on the Earth, yet people still go without food on a day to day basis.
