Friday, October 21, 2011

Diarrhea of the mouth?

My new favorite show has quickly become Modern Family. This show makes me belly laugh out loud. I love the fact that this show illustrates the diversities in the American culture. This show became a topic of conversation at work this week. I was very surprised that many of my co-workers were very offended by the stereotypes that are portrayed in this show. The show does exaggerate the family dynamics of very stereotypical relationships, but that’s what makes this show hilarious. A patient overheard our conversation and commented how disgusted she was with the “gay couple” raising a little girl. I didn’t understand how she could be so vocal about such a controversial issue. What if our family members or friends were gay men raising children?? And why would you bring this issue up in such a public setting? I don’t know if people are that crazy or just that unaware of their situation. The American population is so diverse, gay, lesbian, transgender etc.. There are always going to be those who disagree with those who challenge diversions from the norm of society, but what happened to respect for diversity. At the end of the day everyone is still a human being regardless of their race, color, gender, sexual orientations, religion etc. Some people will argue freedom of speech, which I agree that we should be able to voice our opinion. But please voice your opinion in a respectful manner. I cant imagine what it is like to be gay or lesbian and hear such derogatory comments . So please think before you speak.


  1. I can see where you are comming from, yet no one cares about keeping their mouth shut about certain topics. Why? Because people don't think before they open their mouth. People say things to me about my race all the time and it gets to me, but I've learned to keep calm. Some people are ignorant, rude, and just plain stupid! SOmetimes people take "freedom of speech" too seriously and just talk just because they have a mouth!!

  2. I think that people open their mouths to say things without even thinking. Part of it is because they think most of society shares in their same belief system. However, I think it's important to speak up in situations like that. If you do speak up, you will usually notice an immediate change in attitude, "oh I didn't mean it in a negative way," or people find a way to justify what they said. That just goes to show that they themselves realize, what they are saying is not all that acceptable.

  3. Thanks for introducing a good show. I just googled it, and it has great rating! I think I should watch them during the winter break. I also was going to watch the Big Bang Theory, but I couldn't due to lack of time. I think it would really fun watching them on this winter.
    Personally, the fact that there is no one the same as each other comes to me very uncomfortable. I feel comfortable with people who act and think just like me, but people are way too different. And it's the hardest part these days.
    Although it's not about sexual identity or cultural diversity, I feel lonely due to somewhat metaphysical conflict like following different set of values.
