Monday, October 17, 2011

Designer babies????

Today, people are so into the new technology that it is getting out of hand. The new advanced, medical care is getting way more advanced. I know when it comes to having a baby the parents of that child want him or her to be just like them. They want their child to have their physical features. But, when it comes to regular child development not all the physical characteristics can be accomplished. If the two parents are brown eyed children when they were born with brown eyed parents, and they want a blue eyed child it is close to impossible. This is due to their gene information and background. It is rare to all of a sudden produce a blue- eyed baby when it comes to this circumstance. Today, doctors and scientists say that they can make “designer babies”. They are on the way of creating the perfect child for the parents. We have the ability to change genes using the human genome. It is not 100 percent possible right now, but we are getting pretty close to doing this. We have technology that screen embryos for genetic disorders and see if there are any healthy embryos. We even have in some countries doctors using technology to get rid of female babies. It can be said that the technology of today is getting really close. “Designer babies” are genetically engineered by artificial selection of the genetic make up. Parents can choose the eye, skin, hair color, and gender of the baby. They can also choose if their baby will be intelligent, beautiful, tall, short, etc. It seems nearly perfect. But, when thinking more into the process this “thought” will have negative effects on society. “Designer babies” are another scary idea for a scientific movie on the Sy Fi channel. Usually, in those types of movies scientists go out of their way to come up with something that will save man kind. Instead, towards the middle of the movie they realize something as went wrong in their research. If genetic engineering of genes comes forth we might have dilemma on our hands. Biodiversity itself will be harmed. Future races might just be one certain characteristic. Population of certain racial and ethnic groups might decrease. It can cause hatred towards foreigners. It is another way of playing God. Babies are made to have what they were produced to have. Nothing should be modified to someone else’s liking. It’s just crazy and unethical to even suggest something too extreme as this.

1 comment:

  1. I want my first baby to be a boy; I want to have fraternal twins, one boy one girl. This is my desirable plan for my future children. However, it is only my wish. It is not like I will go to the hospital and get whatever it takes to happen done to make it happen. Designer babies??? I agree where you said it is getting out of hand. Why would parents want to create the perfect child who is not even like them? What is the point of it? Who is it for? I don’t want to imagine what this world would be like if fulfilled. I feel like it will be like bunch of baby robots with brain and heart. Like you said, it is unethical and also against nature.
