Thursday, October 20, 2011

making an ASS(out of)U(and)ME.

         I spent a great portion of my day today with my boyfriends brother. We lived together in their family house for about a year together needless to say he is my one of my really close friends. I always find it funny when we go ut because people assume we are together. Even recently someone reported back to my boyfriend that i was out with "some other white dude". Of course he knew it was his brother so no harm no fowl. My issue is that people do not take the time to ask before they jump to conclusions. I also hear people say that guys and girls can not be friends THIS IS FALSE! What got us to this point where being friends with the opposite sex automatically means someone is going to fall in love or atleast they are have casual sex<----not cool. I think because parents for so long have been shying away from talking about sex a lot of the younger generaation are left to figure it out on our own. When puberty strikes no one is there to explain the changes which leads to a lot of mistakes made in a series of one night stands throughout young adulthood trying to figure it out. With that said I do think it is possible to deny the temptation or not experience any at all for that matter.
          This notion of guys and girls not being able to be friends without sexual or emotional tention could also stem from curiosity, and not knowing how things would work out when a pair becomes friends. Or, the pressure from everyone else saying you and a friend would be a good couple or you "look good together".  push you together. Am I the only person who is annoyed by this assumption? Or, do you agree with this mentailty?


  1. No, i, too, am annoyed for that kind of assumption. Most people seem to have a close mind when it comes to friendship between a guy and a girl. People just cant understand how beautiful a friendship betweem guys a girls can be, just because of one simple reason. They are not the same sex and therefore different feelings and opinions.

  2. People really don't need to assume right away that a guy and a girl are going out just because they are hanging out together. That's not always true. A guy and a girl can be best friends. I have a guy best friend that i tell everything too. We hang out and do what ever. But, that doesn't mean we are dating. That would be like dating my brother i a way (which don't have one but still). When it comes to being friends after you date a guy or girl; it can happen! I stay close friends with all my exes and nothing is weird about it. It's like we've never even dated.
