Thursday, April 9, 2009

Female genital mutilation

Female circumcision or Female genital mutilation abbreviated FGM, is one of the greatest rites of passage in African traditional society. It is considered an initiation ritual whose symbolism is characterized and supported by cultural beliefs which the older “uncivilized” generation still holds on to today. According to the World health organization (WHO), “an estimated 100 to 140 million girls and women worldwide are currently living with the consequences of FGM and about three million girls are at risk for it annually.” The practice is prominent in the western, eastern, and north-eastern regions of Africa, in some Asian countries and the middle east, and among certain immigrant communities in North America and Europe. There are four categories of circumcision surgeries mostly carried out on young girls sometime between infancy and 15 years, but the most common one involves the removal of the clitoris glans, cutting and scraping of the labia minora and majora, and s pinning shut of the vulva. This practice is evil and it internationally recognized as a violation of human rights of girls and women because of the pain and suffering it inflicts on them, the health hazards’ it poses on the young women, and is a form of power alienation.
The initiates undergo unnecessary pain, suffering, and humiliation during and after circumcision. Infibulation is not a single operation. The vulva is pinned shut with pins and thorns, leaving a small hole the size of a match stick, for urine and blood to escape during the healing process. Due to the reduced size of the hole, women experience overwhelming pain during intercourse and childbirth. Pain is also experienced during the operation due to lack of anesthesia, since surgery is a test of courage, and thus one is not permitted to cry. I n some tribes, the suffering is revisited after childbirth, where the vulva has to be reshut and restored to post-wedding night condition.
The barbaric way in which circumcision is conducted is despicable. Numerous health issues arise, lack of sterile instruments being the first. Tools not limited to razors, scalpels, pieces of broken glass, pottery and sharpened rocks are used . Infections are also common due to unsanitary conditions. Secondly, elderly women generally perform these operations and are not only inexperienced, but may have low grade of precision. It is a status symbol for one to be a “surgeon”, and thus these women do not give in to retirement. Factors like impaired eyesight due to old age affect their judgment and the result is a severely mutilated candidate. These candidates suffer from severe hemorrhaging, pain leading to shock and in some cases death. Blood clots due to the inability of menstral blood to escape the passage are also common. A woman’s stomach bulges as a result and the condition may be confused with pregnancy causing innocent women to either be accused of infidelity or fornication, whichever applicable.
Women in societies that practice FGM generally face alienation from community power and are subordinates to a male dominated regime. They are controlled in family, emotions and sexual matters. They are also deprived of their right to choose. Alienation is evident sexually whereby her ability to enjoy intimacy diminishes and sex becomes a painful experience. The removal of the clitoris does not decrease sexual desire, but the chance of the satiation of that desire. She is thus deprived the innate appetite she is unable to fulfill and faces communal alienation from the marriage institution and community as a whole if she chooses not to get circumcised. women are denied their right to normal learning procedures, and personal experiences, and taught in seclusion away from men. Their syllabus is comprised only of domestic issues since the male chauvinistic society believes it is a waste of money and resources to educate women, when they eventually end up as professional housewives.
Formally and informally, education plays a role in shaping society. Maintaining ignorance in women and keeping them in the dark only makes evil cultural practices like circumcision reoccur. The removal of the practice will not only be eventually effective by the law, but by education. The law has failed repeatedly to eradicate this demon due to corruption and the dictatorship nature of how most world governments are run. This goes hand in hand with human prostitution which will require a whole new bog to discuss. I wrote this as my social action plan and decided to post it too as "MY PLAN" in the effort to end its evil.


  1. I have never heard anything like this before. After reading this I am very happy that I live in America. I don't understand why any culture would ever want to do this or think something like this is okay. What is the purpose? Afflicting pain on another is completly wrong and they aren't even using anesthea so put the person asleep during the surgery. I think these people are uneducated and as a result they think something like this is okay. People should talk to them explaining how it is wrong and causing a lot more harm to people than good.

  2. Michelle, unfortunately, this has been going on for ages. The sad thing is that it happens in America too....not by americans though....well technically not by native americans anyway. By natives i do not mean american Indians...Anyway,people from these cultures migrate and are naturalized into foreign countries. They secretly practice FGM despite the laws of the land that forbid it. It is however revealed when the operations go wrong and the victims need emergency services due to haemorhaging. I will make a presentation on this topic in class and you will be able to discover how widespread this evil is.

  3. Female genital mutilation is one that everyone should be made aware of. This procedure is not to be taken lightly; thousands of little girls die from this barbaric, unsanitary mutilation not to mention they then have to suffer throughout the rest of their lives with menstrual and bladder problems. The end result to having sex. Women should not have to suffer their entire lives just because they are women. Why do women have to go through many things? Why no men? I am not saying men should be hurt, too but it’s not fair that women deal with many situations throughout their lives. And why can’t the governments stop this kind of things and why do they have power over women, all most in every country.

  4. So many females die from this barbaric ritual. But why is it only women that are mutilated? Do some cultures believe men are that much more superior than women? It is an acient practice that should be outlawed. Even though it is a cultural ritual, the outcomes more often than not cause such permanent body damage and causes damage to other body parts. Unfortunately even if laws were passsed forbidding mutilation, I think people would still practice their traditions and women will continue to suffer worldwide.

  5. This is so sad. I cannot believe some females have to endure this type of pain and humiliation. I think this is cruel and should not be apart of any religion and or traditions. I cannot bare the thought of doing this to my children. My opinion may be different if this was apart of my culture but Highly unlikely. I also have to agree with Megan when it comes to, if the government passed laws that forbides this mutilation, people would still practices their traditions.

  6. It is obvious to us that this is beyond cruel but our opinion isn’t going to change the practice itself. The sad thing to me, beyond the fact that this happens to anyone, is the limited likelihood that we could change this. With this being such a core belief that has been so deeply rooted in some people how could you even begin to have them see it any other way. I try to always be the “glass half full” kind of person but this is one of those topics that there is no easy, quick, or 100% successful solution to. There aren’t really and hard ways either. These parents MUST believe that what they are doing is the right thing to hurt their daughters in the way that they are. If someone believes in something that strongly their own death is often the only way to change it. We really couldn’t go into these villages and ask them to check “yes” or “no”, followed by a firing squad. I can only hope that someone comes up with a way to convince parent s to change their ways in the cultures that are doing this.

  7. Anne- Your presentation in class was very interesting, and shocking. It made me feel grateful that i don't have to deal with that kind of pain. Especially without serious pain killers. What are the long term effects of this procedure? No matter how evil we think this is, will this ever stop in the future? It is scary to know that this is going on, especially with the girls being so young!

  8. Long term, there are sexual problems, challenges with childbirth, etc.

    Another interesting women's health issue in Africa, although not related to FGM, is fistulas. Fistulas happen after a woman has an untreated obstructed child birth. In addition to the fact that the baby dies, women who have this preventable/treatable problem are usually left with a life-long, debilitating, humiliating condition of incessant incontinence.
