Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Now I really don't like to make fun of people because of the whole mean factor. But sometimes something comes along that's just too funny and I can't help but laugh. So that's why I can't watch American Idol. There are just too many people on there who embarrass themselves and it's just painful to watch. Like William Hung. Does he honestly think he can sing? Or was he really that smart that he knew people laughed, so he made a few bucks of them? Our society is naturally cruel in my mind. If you do anything out of the social norm then you will be talked about or looked at.
Teasing probably affects children the most. When I was growing up, I remember being teased and it wasn't a great feeling. So I wonder if teasing will lead to more dysfunctional tendencies as children get older. It may be harmful for a child to grow up in a negative environment. So as they grow they become more and more defensive of everyone. Soon enough they become what society makes them: loners.
Of course, it's not the case for everyone, but it is true. I know some kids who were probably picked on a lot and now they have that very awkward aura around them. I also remember seeing people laughing at a handicapped person. It was absolutely saddening because this person had a walking disorder and people just outright laughed as they walked by. So if something as small as laughter, in the wrong way, can affect a person drastically then I think we should be more sensitive.


  1. I know that my friends constantly talk behind each others backs and say rude things about eachother. That is human nature but you need to make a consious effort not to. Everyone has an opinion about other but its your choice whether you put it out in the open.
    I think growing up the adults in childrens lives need to be more clear about explaining feelings and kindness to others. A lot of the time children are rude just because they don't know any better and think its humorous. If an adult explains to a child that being kid to others is important most of them will get the idea better.
    I hate it when someone has a physical or mental disorder and they get made fun of. It's something that they were born with and have no control over. If people treated others with respect and kindness your world would not be so messed up today.

  2. My son actually changed schools because kids were teasing him. Kids are mean, cruel, and relentless. My sons personality has changed so much since this has happened. He became quiet and stayed to himself. It took a lot of talking and crying to get him to overcome the after effects of being teased. I think it needs to be taken more seriously and more awareness needs to be made readily accessable. So many kids will not talk to their parents or teachers because they are embarrassed and don't want to be made fun of even more. The whole treat others as you want to be treated is out the door. And people wonder why we have tragedies like Columbine...

  3. My two younger brothers are autistic, and we moved from baltimore mostly because it was unbearable for them. The children at their school would hold them down, beat them, throw things at them, anything they could, every day. The schools did NOTHING. My mother was constantly battling with the principal to do something. So when we moved, it was a little better for then on the eastern shore. People still teased them, but the physical part stopped. Now they live in a.....well it's better than baltimore, but still many crackheads. Its in PA, and just last week, 4 boys were beating my 10 year old brother up. Once again, will the schools do anything? My mother called the school, and so far they just claim they don't know what happened and can't really do anything. The schools and parents need to be held responsible, they need to inform kids of how this can affect kids for the rest of their lives. My brothers have issues already, and getting beat up isnt making life any easier on them.

  4. I personally know the feeling of being picked on. There has been two things I have been picked on in my life for, them being having a bigger forehead and my last name. I grew up to hate my last name and thar is why when I got married I was excited to have my last name changed. I see at least one or two cases a day that people get picked on. It makes me think twice about saying or doing soemthing that will hurt someone whether it would be intentional or unintentional.

  5. I am all too familiar with being reason for laughter. Sometimes I make it a little too easy for my friends and family to laugh at me. Usually it’s with me though. I think it is definitely something that is learned, but very important, to see things for what they are. If you do something funny, even if it is stupid, find the humor in it and laugh with everyone. The problem comes in when people make jokes and or laugh just to be mean to someone else. I think that parents need to emphasize with kids that it is not funny when the person being laughed at can’t find the humor in a situation. I think that they also need to teach their kids that if they don’t laugh when someone is meanly making fun of someone that they won’t be giving that person a reason to continue doing it. If no one laughed at his/her teasing they more than likely won’t do it again.
