Monday, April 13, 2009

Peer Pressure

The effects of peer pressure effects everyone in the world at some point their life. The definition of peer pressure is a term describing the pressure exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change their attitude, behavior and/or morals, to conform to, for example, the group's actions, fashion sense, taste in music and television, or outlook on life. This usually happens during the teenage years while people are still developing and finding out who they really are. The most common types of peer pressure are from your friends trying to get you to do something they think is cool or not socially accepted by adults. Growing up I have experienced a bunch of different types of peer pressure. Some was from my parents to do well in school or sports. Others was from friends to try drugs or alcohol or something I knew was wrong and just did anyway to impress them. Growing older and more mature has helped me to realize that I need to make my own decisions and not go off of other people.
Experiencing small amounts of negative peer pressure from your friends is normal but when there is too much and you continue to give in thats when its a serious self esteem issue. You need to be able to stand up for yourself and be able to sell someone no when you don't feel comfortable doing something. Young teenage girls experience a lot of peer pressure from their friends and guys when it comes to sex. This is something that isn't talked about enough. A lot of people have sex before they are ready because they are scared to stand up for themselves.
Ways to help teenagers deal with peer pressure is by talking to them about it. When adults set good examples for their children it helps them to deal with hard situations better. A self confident child will be able to stand up for themselves because they know the difference between right and wrong and won't care what their friends are thinking about them. I think that there would be a lot less crime and illegal behaviors if teens could learn how to stand up for themselves and just say no.


  1. Peer pressure can be very troubling when your in your teen years. You may do things you swore you would never do, but why do we feel the need to impress other people? How does it make us feel better? I think that there will always be peer pressure, no matter how old you are! Just different forms. For example, you may feel pressured to fit in a particular group at work to impress your boss, or now just to keep your job! If your work group is getting drinks after work, you may feel pressured into going, no matter what, which could result in you getting a DUI (depending on how many drinks you have). Older guys in there 20's and 30's experience peer pressure when there buddies are going out to the strip club and they don't. They get called "whipped" by there buds if they choose there girlfriend over strippers. How does that make sense? I agree that self esteem is a big part in young adults being convinced to do something wrong. I think that peer pressure will always be around.

  2. I also agree that sports can be a very healthy and safe way to keep teens away from drugs. It keeps them busy and they meet new friends which can help with self esteem issues.

  3. Peer pressure is also revealed in fashion and trying to fit in. Having the latest gadgets is also another one. Whether it is having a cell phone down to what kind of cell phone or an ipod, or the wii and all the gaming devices, it definately is more of who has what mor than affordability. I personally know someone who has no job....a stay home mum who forfeited to pay her electric bill on time in order to get her daughter a pair of "ugg boots". Uggs cost about $150 by the way...for the short version i believe....her daughter was the only one among her friends who did not own a pair....the sad thing is that the lady is on welfare....this is peer pressure gone too far!

  4. I think peer pressure plays a large part of in teenagers lives, not only the people around them, but it also famous people watch on TV the way the act , the way they dress, and their attitudes become confused weather its good or not. The only thing they know is that their peer is doing it so is okay to accept any kind of behaviors. Also, they try to be accepted in the groups they think is cool or someone in the group is going not because it good for them and useful, but try to be fit in. I agree that when it comes to sex many girls have the pressure even though they know they are not ready for it. However, peer pressure could have a positive impact in teenagers lives depends the people who are around them most

  5. I think peer pressure plays a pert throughout our lives. The most active time is throughout our teens and early 20's. People are so worried about fitting in with the cool crowd that they can ignore all else going on around them. I agree that many young girls have sex before they are ready because it's the cool thing to do. Unforunately they think it's cool and don't know and understand the possible outcomes such as HIV/AIDS, STD's, pregnancy, and the trauma that may be caused to the body from becoming pregnant at a very young age. If girls are imformed about these possible outcomes and understand them then they may change their minds and think sex isn't as cool as they think.

  6. There is no doubt that peer pressure exist amongst our adolescent even in adults. I remember in middle school if you didn't act a certain way or do something a certain way you weren't consider a part of the in crowd. I know when I was growing up I did not want to be an outcast. I was always trying to fit in. Whether I had to wear certain things or do certain things. For example, I started smoking when I was in the 7th grade. I only did it to fit in but now it is an addiction that almost seems unstoppable. I think back to then and say to my self how did I let someone influence me to such a degree. It is upsetting to see what young people do to one another.

  7. I think this can be one of the most serious sociological problems nowadays. Starting from teenage years, people tend to follow other fellows' actions or behaviors whether they are willing to do so or not. Peer pressure during the teen years causes series of social issues such as people having sex at younger age, drug abuse, rising abortion rate, kids dropping out of school, and so on. Peer pressure continues for adults, too, dropping individual's self-esteem by not being able to express their emotions or opinions about certain action at college schools or work forces. I am one of the people who cannot say no nor express my opinion when majority seems to support the opposite opinion, so I know how stressful peer pressure is and how dangerously it affects my self-esteem.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Peer pressure is a serious issue that have an impact on our sociteies, and environment. although we term to avoid the problem and pretend that peer pressure don't exist, but it is affect most of our teens and youth life. Parent needs to be their children role model, and should be more open and willing to tell their children aboot things they want to know about life. I have been pressure by my peer befor, so i know what it is like, and how dangerous and streeful peer pressure is.

  10. Peer presure is a myth for most people especially teens. When I was a little younger in my home country of Liberia, I had friends who were child sodiers and they were all teens that were smokers and doing drugs. I resisted the presure of being like them up till today I don't drink and smoke. I think peer presure is a mind thing and it also depends on your self esteem. I don't care how much pressure a peer or peers axert on me I will do what my mind think is right for me.
