Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Abuse of Stimulants Among Students

The abuse of stimulants has become very common among college students and it is a disadvantage to them in that it comprises their health in the future. At one point in time the abuse of cocaine and heroin seemed to be an issue and now students have turned to prescription drugs that they can get addicted to. Aderol is a prescription drug used for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) that is one of the drugs that students are abusing to help them focus better and get their work done more efficiently. Concerta and Ritalin have also become popular and students get them from peers with ADHD. This practice has become so common among students that there are more students abusing the drug than students who are actually supposed to be taking the drug. The failure to realize the future health complications of abusing these drugs puts many students at risk for an unhealthy lifestyle. Students usually have tight schedules from going to school, working, peer relationships, and other responsibilities and find themselves doing a lot of school assignments in the last minute. When procrastinating, the use of these drugs is convenient in that it increases alertness and concentration. The drugs later become addicting because it gives them and extra boost of performance and an attempt to keep this level of performance is what causes students to use the drug over and over again. Parents can help prevent their children from further use but a lot of times it the signs are undected until individual gets caught. The drug is illegal for individuals who it is not prescribed to use but yet it is so common. At first I thought that it shouldn’t be a big deal if its helping students do better in school but when I looked at the risks such as heart strokes or other compromises to health it was very distressing.


  1. This is what Im doing my paper on, so of course I totally agree with this post. Prescription drug use has increased severly especially with the high schoolers and college students. I don not understand why people don't just do their work ahead of time instead of rushing at the last min to take drugs 4 hours before its due. All drugs are becoming a big problem!

  2. In light of this post, I think the deadline on blog replies should be extended.

  3. Haha! I totally agree with that above. :)

    But seriously, they really need to work on making it so the major parts of your grade don't all line up on the same week. I'm looking at my to-do list for the week and already starting to feel a headache building up behind my eyes just thinking about how many papers and projects and finals I need to prepare for... I predict a lot of sleepless nights, that's for sure.

    Hey, how convenient. We have a Starbucks right there on campus. At least I know that when I'm about to crash from sipping my 5-hour energy I can go grab a double-shot espresso to keep me going...

  4. I do believe that prescription drugs are being abused among students from high school to college. The real problem in my opinion is not so much as addiction to using these drugs but the selling of these drugs to students not prescribed. The people who get these non-prescribed drugs have to get them from somewhere. The source is where the problem starts. During the semesters I took at Penn State, I was good friends with a kid that had troubles with concentrating and going to class. He was finally tested for ADD and prescribed the medicine to help him. He told me that the test was very simple and could be easily manipulated. He ended up selling a lot of his prescriptions and getting caught. He was kicked off the wrestling team and kicked out of school. The selling of these drugs can be harmful to the seller and the people they sell to. Abuse of these drugs are started by selling.
