Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Social Networks

Social networks are ubiquitous around the world. Anybody can travel the world and explore continents such as: Africa, Asia, or even South America and found people who have access to a computer, who owns collectives networks like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. These websites were created for a purpose of interaction. Even though, many people hold their own conception about these social interactive networks. These websites does not accede a specific age group –Michele Slatalla said, `` At Facebook.com, everyone can join ``512.Literally everyone – with no distinctive feature – just everyone! Teenagers, these days are precocious technophiles who cavort the world of technology however, it is causing quandaries between parents and children.
I have a Facebook profile. My main purpose for creating a profile on Facebook was because all my friends, were talking about how they found long lost friend they have had since the first grade. Then, I thought it will be remarkable to create a page and by curiosity I found friends I had not seen for a while or would not even recognize if they were to pass me in the street. I cannot express the great feelings I get when I find someone, I spent my whole childhood with. I even found other children I dislike back in the days but we were able to burry the old ashes and move on to becoming friends. I often reminisce the old days, and when I feel that way my only option is Facebook. I can express my self, by connecting with my old friends, perform any other types of activities; play games, listen to music ect…
Facebook is accessible to the general public and in my opinion; I think it is totally understandable for many reasons. If parents, adults create their online profiles to monitor their children or companion activities and have fun at the same time then it is a great way to keep online sexual predators away from children or even certain adults. It is just call safety even though many teenagers do not find it amusing or cool to have their mother or father as one of their friends on Facebook or MySpace. Parents were put on earth to guarantee the well being of their children. We live in a sadistic world, and we all can succumb upon temptation but whom do we have to prevent us from that? Parents, I would not reprimand my mother because she is my friend on Facebook, indeed she is, just for the simple fact that we both understand our boundaries and we respect it , and I think that is what every parents should do respect the boundary line between them and their children.
Slatalla writing describes the relationship between her daughter and her as a catastrophic when she joined faced `` But after receiving a follow-up threat from my daughter, I started worrying that allowing parents in would backfire on Facebook ``513. She also questioned, `` if the presence of people like me (parents) alienated Facebook`s core younger group, would they flee? In response to that a Facebook spokeswoman says that more than 50 percent of Facebook users are outside of college now``513. so, where does that leave parents and children social networks wars? The main key to this answer is call boundaries in other words limitation or borders. Parents and children should recognize their boundary lines as it comes to this website and each maintain their role in an adequate way.
Facebook and other network are open the public, is it destroying or reinforcing our society? I would say a little bit of both; the fact that someone can find friends and suitable groups depending on your characteristic is great it is not leaving children or even adults in desperation , it reunites us with those we had long lost. To every situation they most always be the poor side, in this one I would say the confrontation between parents and children. However, we can all get pass that and enjoy the websites as they were created for interaction.

Slatalla Michelle. “Omg My Mom Joined Facebook!!’’. College Composition:
You can get there from here. Ed.Katherine Ann Ackley. Mason OH: Cengage Learning 2008, 511-514.


  1. There definitely does seem to be a pretty noticeable phenomenon - as soon as your parents start finding the social networking site that you're on, that's about the time that it stops being cool. That's been the case historically throughout the lifespans of these! FaceBook is pretty resillient, but even so it's starting to get to the point where I'm uncomfortable to post on it because so many of my older friends, parents, and friends' parents, all read my updates... even when I'm drunk and thinking about making a dumb post on Facebook I stop and think, "Uh oh... if I post about how trashed I am, my girlfriend's mom will see... $&(#."

  2. I think facebook is a great way to find relatives and info on someone such as a potential employee. With access to these profiles to all citizens we will become more continuous about how we want to be viewed by the world. Like Ben Boswell not wanting to let his girlfriends mom know he was wasted, maybe he'll drink less. This is a way for parents to become more involved which is a good thing. The future of America needs supervision. And what most of us don't realize is that facebook and other networks are free for us to use; so why are they worth billions? They advertise and sale products directly and subliminally. Stay alert America, don't join the crowd, make the crowd.

  3. I agree that online social networks really help everyone stay connected and keep contact but I def don’t want my parents watching over me. That only applies to me though. I am aware of sexual predators and know that it is not safe to talk to people that I don’t know so I don’t. I know what I should do for my safety but many others may not and for those youngsters that don’t it is a good idea to have their parents monitoring them. For me on the other hand I live a totally different life outside of home because my parents are so strict and so I would not be free to do a lot of the things that I do and is should be able to do.
