Friday, September 30, 2011

Sleepy teens more likely to have risky problems

I read an article about teens not getting enough sleep. Many teens these days don’t get enough sleep and put themselves at greater risk for unhealthy behavior. The study shows that sleep-deprived teens are more likely to engage in behaviors that put their health at risk. These behaviors including drinking, spending many hours each day in front of the computer, smoking cigarettes or marijuana, having sex, feeling sad or hopeless, and seriously contemplating suicide. Since many teenagers are not getting the recommended hours of sleep they need on school nights, insufficient sleep is associated with those problems. Psychologist MacKnigh-Eily said that public health intervention is greatly needed, and the consideration of delayed school start times may be one effective step to address this problem.
I agree with the article. Lack of sleep can be a very serious problem, especially for teenagers. Sleep is crucial for well-being. It gives us energy, a positive attitude, and better ability to cope with daily stress. Teens need enough sleep for physical restoration, growth, adaptability and cognitive ability. If they are sleep-deprived, it may decrease their cognitive ability to focus, problem solve, and maintain attention. I can cause emotional irregularity and can interfere with positive well-being.
I personally believe that it particularly applies for high school students. Since many high school starts early in the morning, it is important for the students to go to bed early to function optimally during the day. However, as we all know, they are notorious for staying up late and being hard to awaken in the morning. When I was in high school, I wanted to go to college for different reasons and one of them was that I did not want to go to school early.
Although this issue might seem like no big deal, I think it can have serious consequences. Insufficient sleep might contribute to mood swings and behavior problems. Not only that, but sleepy teens can find it difficult to concentrate and learn or even stay awake in class. Thus it is significant to make sure that they get enough sleep!

1 comment:

  1. There isn’t enough time in the day to fit in all the teaching we try to teach our children. First kids go to school to receive an education. Then after school they go to practice to learn some more whether its music or athletic related. After practice they go to their job to learn values and understand the meaning of hard work. After they get off work, they go to home and spend time learning the important of family and then work on their homework. Depending on the intensity of their homework, they may be up late to complete their assignments just to go to bed and start the cycle over again. Parents want to try and cram all the teaching they can into each day, but there never seems to be enough time!
