Sunday, March 22, 2009

The "A" word.

Abortion seems to be a very touchy subject with many women, but let's finally talk about it. I personally think it's wrong, as i'm sure many women do. How do abortions mentally affect women? How big of a problem is this issue? In the past 5 years, pro choice rose 33% to 43% and pro life declined from 56% to 48%. Every year, an average of one million women have abortions. There are alternative way for women to avoid unwanted pregnancies, such as Plan B. Plan B is known as "the morning after pill". For about $50.00 per pill, any woman can walk into a pharmacy and ask for this pill if they fear they could possibility of being pregnant after having sex. Plan B must be taken shortly after sex to terminate the pregnancy. Religon has a lot to do with abortion, with Catholics vocally protesting the right for a woman to choose.

My question is : when do women's morals come into play? How much can we really control? Research states that 95% of women get abortions as a substitute for birth control, why don't these women just buy REAL birth control? With all the new birth control's out now, it's easier than ever to get it. I feel that women just need to think about the consequences before they have sex and the abortion rate would decline. Abortion can be avoided in several safe, sensible ways.


  1. I have heard of the after morning pill but I don't think you can walk into any pharmacy and they will give it to you. I'm pretty sure you need to go through a doctor or go to a place like Planned Parenthood. In a situation like this you also need to think of the child. Although I think abortion is wrong if I ever got in a situation like this at such a young age I would have an abortion because I know that I would never be able to raise a child well if I didn't have a good job where I could provide for them and a male figure who would help me take care of the child. I don't think a lot of people realize how hard and time consuming it is to take care of a child. Although abortion is a very scary and wrong action I feel sometimes it would be better off than going through and having the child.

  2. Personally, I do not agree with abortion, but should someone else choose to have one I would support them 100%. Plan B is a great idea but there are many stipulations to it, that a lot of people do not know about and miss the window of opprtunity to take the series of pills. There are also a lot of people who are sexually active and are on their parents insurance. If mom and dad don't have an idea that their little girl is sexually active and she goes to the GYN, when mom and dad get that bill... Look out! And what about the guys? They should also be held accountable. Buy condoms. They are a lot easier to access than birth control for some girls.

  3. I think that abortions are wrong and should not be considered an option for people to have. I would say that there is one situation that I would find this okay to an extent, that being when a woman is beaten and raped. I think for all the other cases if you can lay down with an individual and not use protection then you should be responsible for your actions. I don't mean to sound harsh. When women can have an abortion after abortion and not have any problems getting pregnant again, they should think about the many women who struggle every year with trying to get pregnant and have complications and lose the baby.

  4. I think that abortion should remain legal while people should try to avoid to have an abortion at first hand. Birth control such as taking pills and using condoms before sex should be enforced, but in cases in which it became too late for preventing birth by taking pills, there should be proper abortion IF the parent is not ready (i.g. teenager) nor not wishing to take care of the child and the infant has been less than 6 months old in her womb. If the infant is older than 6 months in the womb -- almost ready to come out for a life, considering the adoption can be the alternative.
