Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gay Marriage

There are now places in the United States where having a same sex marriage is legal. There are more places who still feel gay marriage is wrong but atleast there is some improvement. In my personal opinion I feel that there is nothing wrong with gay marriage. I am not personally gay myself but I think that people should be allowed to love and marry who they want to. People try to say that marriage is a religious thing and people who are the same sex being together is not religious. There are so many judgements that go around about other people these days. I feel if people spent a little more time focusing on themselves or trying to better the world then we would live in a completly different place. There is a lot of misunderstanding about what homosexuality really is, as well as the erroneous assumption that gay people enjoy the same civil rights protections as everyone else. There are also a lot of stereotypes about gay relationships, and even a great deal of misunderstanding of what marriage itself is all about and what its purpose is.
Alot of people view gay people as very out there and having a lot of sex with random people but as they get older and marture they wants something more meaningful. Some people also feel that people were brought on the earth to reproduce and have babies. In a gay marriage with men this is not possible but now with woman they have egg donations so they can have babies. I think people need to be less judgemental and let people chose their own path.


  1. I realy don't care whether gay couples get married or not but I do think and believe that the defination for marriage should remain between a man and a woman. On the question of religion the Bible forbids same sex intercourse and the BIBLE also forbids sex without marriage so both are equally against the verdict of the Bible. People should stop judging other people on what they do and how they live their lives and focus on their own lives.

  2. Their sexual preferences is their business. I however have a split point of view on the issue of Kids. On one hand I do not believe they should be allowed to adopt kids. I think it just confuses the children. In the case of separation where the marriage does not work, what happens to the kids? Since they are accepting same sex union, then they should face the consequential facts of not being able to procreate, thus the main point that marriage is really supposed to be a union of different sexes for that purpose. On the other hand, there are many children in foster care and needing adopting....maybe they should not be allowed to have surrogates and just be restricted to adopting the kids in orphanages.
    As you can see, i have a split view on the issue.

  3. I have to agree there is nothing wrong with gay marriages. Homosexuals live, breathe, and do everything the same just like heterosexuals except for who they choose to be intimate with. I have a lot of homosexual friends and maybe that is why I am for it. I think that everyone on earth has a right to be happy no matter whom it is with. I think that if you have a problem with this you really don't have anything more important to do. This is a dumb matter to argue about when people should be concerned about the bigger issues we have to face.

  4. Personally, I think that there is nothing wrong with gay marriages. It is kind of funny. Before coming to the states, I had never met or even seen a gay person or couple. I guess in my country the whole gay theme is social taboo. So, I have developed my opinion on this topic solely based on my experience with gay people here, in the US. My aunt and uncle have friends who are gay and who live together in a civil union. Before I met them, I did not know that they were gay. They appeared to me as regular folks. I literally did not notice anything unusual the whole evening we spent at their house. Only after we left, my aunt told me that they were gay; I was quite surprised.

  5. I personally agree on sam-sex marriage. Everyone has the right to choose who to love, whether it is between same sex or not. Plus, in addition to egg donations, many gay couples do adoptions, ending up saving childrens who were abandoned from real parents. They do not necessarily do anything that would harm the society; rather they try to be very careful about their attitudes and behaviors. I don't see definite reasons that makes same-sex marriage a controversial issue.

  6. Making a statement that gay couples should be able to get married, and at the same time defining marriage as a man and a woman, doesn’t make sense. If a definition includes two opposite sexes how would that work? Limiting homosexual couples to only raising kids from an orphanage….. Do you not see how discriminating your statement is right there? Although many gay dads would choose to adopt, why should that be the only route to parenthood? That is saying that they are allowed to have equal right to be parents as long as the way they go about it is anything be equal. Saying that it would be confusing for children to have two gay parents is absurd. They certainly would not be confused about who loved them. Just because someone outside of the family may not understand it that doesn’t mean that the children in that family would be confused. They probably have a better understanding of diversity in many ways than the individual that would share this opinion.

  7. I'm not against gay marriage, although it does not follow the definition marry, (the union betweent a man and a women). People do have the right to marry who ever their wants to marry. We can not stop or decided for other. everyone is responsible for his or her own life. We should let them be and should not provoke them.
