Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Alcohol and Drinking

Many people think drinking one or two beers or other alcoholic beverages are okay and still drive. What people don’t think about is what may happen to others around them or themselves if they go above the limit and drive. More and more people are drinking and driving. The drunk drivers are getting into accidents where some turn deadly. Early this morning, one of my dad’s close friends was killed in an accident, where alcohol was suspected. This man had a wife and kids, how should his wife tell their children? What if his family was in the car, would they all have been killed?
I hate to think like that, but it’s true. Many adults don’t think about the people that would get hurt if this situation ever happened to them. I’m sure no one thinks about getting into accidents when they go out to drink. Alcohol impairs one ability to react in a timely manner, impairs ones vision ability, as well as other things.
I leave with this, it is okay to go out and have a good time with friends, family, or whoever you are going out with. If you and the others plan on having drinks and don’t think you can drive, don’t tempt it and call someone to come and get you. That is a lot safer and more responsible. You’re not only saving your own life but the others as well.


  1. I agree, drinking and driving is extremely dangerous. Drinking is fine in moderation, if you are going to go out with your friends and drink, get a cab! It's not too expensive, and it can save your life. How many innocent people have been affected by drunk drivers? Over 17,000 people are drunk driving accident victims every year. Drunk driving is the leading criminal cause of death in the U.S today. Police are setting up more and more check points for drunk drivers, hopefully more people will get scared enough to call a cab.

  2. Drinking and driving is something that goes on everyday. I agree with what you have written here. Many people dont think of the consequences or damage that will happen to themselves or others. I think going out to dinner and having a glass of wine or beer and driving is okay but anything more is a risk. I think society today has made drinking and doing drugs the popular thing to do, especially at a young age. I know that my brother has gotten three DUI's and you would think after the first time he learned his lesson but obviously not. Some people do not use their brain when making decisions and are even worse when under the influence of alcohol. This is something that people have to make a decision on their own to change and hopefully as time goes on there will be less and less trouble with drunk or drivers under the influence.

  3. Drunk driving is a big problem around the world,and especially in America. I really don't understand how can some peolpe be so stupid or crazy to think that they can still drive after drinking two to three or more bottle of acoholic beverage. Drinking and driving is really having a big impact on people in our society. There more people drinking, and more driving drunk than ever before. Almost every accident reporting on News involved drunk driving. If only people can be wise enough in make good decision and change their lifestyle, hopefully we will have less accidents or problems with drunk driving as time goes by.

  4. Drinking and driving do not mix well together. There is a huge number of people who lose their lives due to drivers who have had way too many drinks and yet think they are fit to drive. Many more lives will be lost in the future unless every person assumes a personal responsibility to avoid mixing drinking and driving. So, I agree with your recommendations. People need to be always aware about how much drinks they have had and take necessary actions to avoid driving in case the amount of alcohol they have drunk exceeds the permissible amount.
