Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Child Birth

Having a baby in my opinion one of the biggest decisions in a persons life. Not only are you responsible for another human being now but your entire life will be changed because of it. There are so many different factors that go into having a child. Being able to make sure you are able to finiancially support the child is a huge factor. You don't want the child growing up in a bad area where they can possibly go to a bad grade school or make friends with kids who aren't making very good decisions.
Your entire life will not be all about yourself anymore. This means not being able to have as much social time with your friends and sleeping soundlessly through the night. You will have another person in your life that means the world to you. I am in a life span development class right now and I knew that having a baby was a big deal but I had no idea there were so many important aspects to think of when you are having a baby.
Getting a little bit of exercise is good even when you are pregnant. Also rubbing your stomach helps you to connect with the baby. Taking deep breath and doing meditation helps to but yourself and your baby in a peaceful mind. After the baby is born having physical contact with your baby is important so the new born feels loved and cared for. Also playing music for a new born baby helps its brain to develop. Having a child maybe stressful but it can also be a wonderful experience for yourself and others


  1. I agree with you for i have first hand experience. I have a daughter who will turn 3 in May and i dedicate my life to her. I have a job i love working for an Engineering firm and there are a ton of aspects i have to deal with every day, most of which we talked about in the gender inequality class. I am the only woman in may department amongst old fashioned baby boomers and its a struggle. I also happen to be one of the 4 black people in the entire company. I do not get paid as much as my male counterparts even though i have more experience than some of them in my field. I had to give up my dream of being an Engineer to pursue nursing, which is another rewarding carreer, both financially and morally. With this, i will be able to spend more time with her and be a part of her life as opposed to working about 60 hours a week and barely getting my worth. Anyway, my point is, being a parent is the most wonderful thing i have ever done in my life and would not trade it fro the world

  2. I love being a parent and would not change it for the world. My life revolves around my children. I am a single parent of 2. I struggle everyday with decisions for my kids. Am I making the right decisions is the most fequent question I ask myself. I think, as parents we all want the best for our children. We try to instill good morals and values , but it is up to that child whether or not they decide to practice what was preached. We cannot follow our children every minute of everyday. I hope my kids and I will have a strong enough relationship that we will be able to maintain that throughout our lives.

  3. I agree that having a baby is a big decision in one’s life. However, I don’t think anyone is emotionally or even financially ready for when they have a baby. I don't think one would ever choose to put their baby in harm’s way when it comes to where they have to live. A lot of people are not getting paid enough for what kind of job they have. I get paid better then a lot of my friends do. I am also expecting my first child. I will say it is hard to say no I can't get that or I need to get that for the baby because everything is so expensive and even with the amount that I make all the stuff you need for a baby adds up and can become overwhelming.

  4. I think that even the most well prepared parents aren’t prepared unless they are on child number two or three. Even then it is questionable. Parenting is not one of those things that you can plan for. It is always changing… the good neighborhoods, do they sleep on their backs or bellies, being ready with 500 Luvs diapers to find that they cause a rash and you need Huggies. Parenting is certainly not for the weak of heart. You will screw up, and so will your kids. Of all the parents I know today, and all the families I have worked with in the past, the best were those who had the three most important traits, listening, talking, and admitting when they were wrong or needed help.

  5. I strongly agree that having a baby is one big decision that human being make in life, especially changing our social life to be there for our baby. I having been going through this for four years now. I was a basketball player, a athletic, and was very active in lots of activies. But i have to give up everything when i had my baby girl. I sacrificed every thing i have for her, even up to now i hardly go out with my friends. she means a whole lot me.
