Friday, October 22, 2010

Chains on change

Liberalism and progress are under attack by the conservative right in this country, and liberals are doing nothing to stop it. In times where CEO's of giant corporations lay off more employees to preserve profits, conservative news outlets have managed to convince us that these are the same CEO's that would save the economy. After years of failed financial practice due to cut regulation, we would up in a recession which is seeming to never end. Yet talking heads such as Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly are calling every democrat a socialist and a nazi. The GOP has grown more extreme, with the emergence of pure free market supporting tea party candidates.
And what has the left done to protect their image? Well, they shifted their policies to the right. They stick to free-market rhetoric in fear of being called heathens on Fox News. Even though some progress has been made under the Obama administration, there is still a capitalist conservative choke hold on the change we need. The health care bill passed, but there is no public option. The financial reform bill passed, but it didn't break up to-big-to-fail banks. We took combat troops out of Iraq, but we still have 50,000 troops in Iraq combating. The situation in Afghanistan is getting more dangerous, more expensive, and less practical. No clean energy bill was passed.

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