Friday, October 1, 2010

Role Model?

Young teens always grow up with someone they look up to whether it being a good role model or bad. Unfortunately there are some bad role models out there.Vanessa Hudgens being humans and making dumb choices like sending naked pictures out to someone and them getting out for the world to view (which the world cares more about than anyone regular everyday person..because they are famous). Or like Micheal Philps smoking weed. These role models that americans want there children looking up to may not be the greatest thing.

The picture on the right is a picture of Miley Cyrus at one of her concert in a very provocative outfit. Allowing young teens to see this makes them want to dress like that. Young people have sponges for brains and so they take in everything. Teens wanting to fit in so much that they will do anything to fit in and they see that people liked how Miley dressed then they will want to dress like that. Espically if their role models made them want to dress like that. This is too young and they should not be exposed of this until they are mature and can have their own mind. If you want to dress provocative when you get older and more mature then go for it but I do not think children should dress less and show body parts that are not even there. I do not believe they should dress that way period.

Children are being exposed to things that should not yet even be a problem in life. They should be able to be kids and have friends and not have to dress a certain way in order to get friends. They should not be forced into wearing barely any clothes and have creepy old men or women stare at them when they are too young(This causes many other things like rape etc.). Not only is it the clothing it is how the role models act. Like the famous saying...Actions speak louder than words. If children see how one popular actor or actress is acting then they want to be just like them and be liked by all just like the actors are liked. This may be bad because of the certain actions and movies that are out for young adults now. Role models should be more aware of how they come off across kids.


  1. We live in a totally different world today than the world of our parent's and past generations. Once upon a time, celebrities could be counted on to be role models for the rest of society but that is simply not the case anymore. I believe that part of the reason is that it doesn't really take much
    to be a celebrity today. Reality TV and the numerous shows that are on air today have created tons of so called celebrities who are only interested in making money and for that, they need to remain in the public's eye by any means necessary. Because sex seems to be currently be the highest currency, in order to remain in the public's eye, celebrities have to be as sexy as possible. Parents should only rely on themselves to serve as role models to their children. Sometimes parents forget how much control they have over their children. Parents should not allow their kids to watch Miley Sirus in concert if they feel as though she is not setting a good example for them, that goes for any other young celebrity.

  2. Money talks and bullshit walks and in a society where sex is money, bullshit still walks. While Molly Cirus is still near the top of what little kids like (I think), and while she might wear sexy clothes, this phenomena isn’t new. As a child I saw Madonna wearing a cone bra and then the cycle continued. It will always continue. While a wholesome image sells, a some what dirtier image sells more. Remember even bad press is good press.

  3. to be honest i think Miley Cirus is just another performer who is getting sick of the children scene. She can't perform for little kids forever, and transitioning to an older crowd is the only way to preserve her career. In a career since she is doing the right thing by appealing to a higher age. The idea of some sort of idle is kind irrelevant when kids see the same things on the street and other pop stars. Kids Disney channel has gotten provocative and overall pop singers now a days.

  4. I agree. Children now a days grow up too fast because of the shit they see on tv. My mother lets my little brother watch stuff that a four year old shouldnt see at all and he picks up what he sees. Its sad.
