Monday, October 26, 2009


Credit cards are causing a question of contaversary. Do you own a credit card? What is your annual rate? Well I say take the plastic cut it up. Turn it off and never get one again. To the point--- why charge something that u could pay up to 3 times the amount on when u can purchase it later if its really that important later at less cost. If you dont have the money for it now then you dont need it! Its just that simple. Credit cards can cause added stress. it can make your cedit score drop and it can if unpaid after a long time be a costly expense. A judgment can even be issued for non payment. You can get sued and that go on your credit. All becaus eyou wanted something at one moment that maybe you really didnt need. Is it really worth paying more for. Has material posessions really tolled our souls to believe we must have all these things. Even if we know we canot afford it and we will go into debt feel stressed out all over imaginary money. Its a piece of plastic for gods sake. we have been programed to believe that this really means something. I can tell you look at this piece of paper it is yellow it now means that it is worth 100 dollars. I can say it for years until your are programed that it really is worth 100 dollars everytime u see this perticular yellow piece of paper. Mental programming has been instilled in all humans since the beginning of time. Mental programing is just words put in your brain over and over again until alot of people all believe the same thing. Why are we allowing this to happen. Why cant we change the credit card delimma just as simple as it was to program it in our minds to begin with. We believe the plastic is a way to buy something and pay more later because someone invented this money making technique to make billions of imaginary money that we never spent...... So why are we buying it.


  1. I actually just got done paying off my credit card. I was in $1300 debt from various stuff (food, car, gas). I bought everything with it for a month or so cause i lost my job in colorado and had no money in the bank. My debt is actually the reason I came back here and started living with my parents again.
    We buy into the "credit card scams" because, like you said, it has been programmed into our brains - all because our culture of consumerism and advertising. People want to be satisfied right away and get the newest most "in" product, so if they can't afford it - they can just put it on credit and pay it back later. People feel alienated if they don't have what the majority has, and credit cards enable them to become a part of the majority.

  2. oh credit cards are such a bad thing but yet so addiciting in a way. Personally i have two. Howeve ri wish i didnt. Credit cards, i agree scam us into thinking that we can just pay for things at a later day. It allows us to just buy buy buy and worry. Credit card debt is a common thing for most people. Only if there was a little angle on your shoulder telling you this is a bad idea you would be safe. unfotuantely people have to eat, get gas to drive, buy books for school, clothes, kids, etc. It allows people the option to get things that they need right away even if they can not front the money right then and there. So yes, i agree creidt cards are bad, but at certain times they can help you out in emeergency situations.

  3. Credit is integral to any modern economy. It's the main mechanism of economic growth. However, there is constructive debt and destructive debt. I agree with your post and think that credit cards fall into this destructive category.

    Save a few exceptions, credit cards usually allow for excessive spending. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think legislation has been proposed recently that would limit the ability of credit card companies to market to college students. Personally, I think that's probably a good idea. College students have lots of expenses and some are probably little irresponsible with their spending anyway. Why should we allow the credit card companies to take advantage of that?

  4. My parents fell victim to credit cards because they had little other choice. They made a financial risk in 1992 to start up their own company. Things were going great until the economy crashed. They lost their customer base, and their life investment went down the tubes in almost the blink of an eye leaving them both unemployed and with me at 7 and my brother at 12, they were unwilling to become homeless... so they started paying their mortgage with credit cards.

    Long story short - they both did find great jobs, but even after only a few months feeding and paying utilities for a family of 4, they racked up a huge amount of debt and the interest rates were crippling.

    My parents are still paying off that debt and living nearly in squalor despite making a very respectable salary.

    If I can help it, I intend never to own a credit card. I don't care if it'll mess up my 'credit score'... I won't forget what my parents had to do to keep our family from going under, but I won't make their same sacrifice.
