Thursday, November 11, 2010

Can you please just SHUT UP...?

You know what really makes me mad.... When people blast their music or when people practically yell to their friends who are sitting right next to them. I hate going to the cafe on campus because the people who sit at the computers blast their music or yell at each other when they are literally right next to each other. What makes people think this is fine to do. Did they not learn any manners. We are in college I thought we were done being childish like that. I avoid the cafe because of them. It feels like now no one these days just do whatever they want and it is not attractive. It makes you look bad and very childish. You are what you act like and why would you want to be known as being childish and annoying screaming to your friends about what you did last weekend or about your personal information. Also, I understand you love music because I enjoy listening to music and I listen to music a lot. But they have invented things called headphones. They are cheap and make it a lot easier to listen to music other than bugging people around you trying to eat in peace with friends or catch up on some homework. Not everyone likes your music and wants to listen to your story about the "girl you had last weekend and have now". It is very annoying and immature. :) I just had to post this.


  1. I found your post very comical and I have found myself in similar situations where I was so tempted to turn to people and give them a piece of my mind. The music especially gets me very frustrated sometimes because there is such a simple solution in headphones, yet so many are just oblivious to everyone around them. Yelling and screaming can be very annoying too. Talk to your friends and hangout thats cool but there is no need to share all that with everyone around you. I can see how specifically at schools though this behavior can be witnessed more. People are cooped up in classes all day, sitting, not talking, just listening to the teacher lecture. When they get out of class, they are very excited to meet back up with friends. But like you said, there is no need for it to be so loud.

  2. i find that annoying sometimes to, when people talk so loud and they are just right next to you. i even do that sometimes, when iam playing games, and i put on the headphones, i cant hear myself talk. so people always yell at me when i say something loud. but i guess i got used to it, and it does not bother me anymore.i usually go to the cafe, but i dont sit near the computers, because i go there to chill, and hangout.

  3. HCC is like 13th grade! I cant say how people act at a four year school yet but I can tell you that most of these kids, yes they are kids, feel like they have just gotten a taste of freedom and they need to put themselves on display whether you care to see them or not. I personally don’t. I don’t care if you are listening to something I like because I know that most people just don’t want to hear it. To me the cafĂ© is like the zoo display. You go to sit with and look at the animals and see how this one makes more noise to show he’s more of a person than the next one. Once you see all you have seen you leave and think to yourself “thank god I don’t go there everyday or I would blow my brains out”

  4. Very TRUE. I also avoid the cafe. The place is too noisy and I feel as though all eyes fixate on me when I walk in. (Even though they don't, it's just uncomfortable.) It's interesting observing the people though, I must say. Just like in high school, the nerdy kids sit with the other nerdy kids. In this case, the idiots all sit together in mass. As to do with tragically hearing other people's conversations, no one wants to eat their food while listening to Sally tell Nancy how awful her period is. No thanks.

  5. There are definitely people at HCC that still act like they are the coolest kids in high school. Community College is one of the weirdest social settings. I just feel like going in and getting out as soon as possible every time I go. People that still find the same thrill in it as they did with their high school boggle my mind.

  6. Ugh. I agree with this as well. Its a shame. Even when I walk down a hall way in hacc its loud and noisy. just like tim said, I go and get out. I dont linger around. Its like highschool all over again.

  7. yea but its not just like this at hcc everywhere you go youll see the same thing... loud people are everywhere and you just gotta learn to deal with them or tolerate them.. some people just like noise and feel weird without it. i just hate loud black girl cuz half the time they dont kno what they talking bout lol

  8. Put me down for another person who agrees with this post. I'm not sure if these people are trying to attract attention, or I maybe they were never taught any social graces... I'm really at a loss as to why people behave this way. As some people have said above, the hallways of HCC aren't the only places where this happens. Anywhere people congregate, the seems to be one or two people who try to make it all about themselves.
