Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Green is the new black

Our society has in the past been tough on the earth. Large ineffiecient automobiles, big energy using houses, an excess of constructions, using easy chemicals solutions have all been the norms. This way of life has left a large carbon foot print and people are beginning to see how their personal choices have impacted the earth. People are starting to make conscious everyday efforts to change everyday choice into every friendly choices. By doing so the market has also changes to make more available earth friendly options. Some say that smugness is the reson behind the eco-friendly movement. That people look down on other people if they do not make the eco-friendly choices. Others believe it is way of life that has come into style because of economic hardships our country has faced. Whatever the reason the market is now flooded with green options. Hybrid cars were once few and far between. Now they are all over the road. Automakers ever have made large SUVs hybrids to meet the demand for green cars. Grocery stores are all filled with options for everyday household foods and products in a green version. People have started to bring reusable bags to stores hoping to eliminate waste of paper or plastic bags. Reusable cups plates napkins, water bottle, water filters are also popular. Marketing companies have created the idea that eco-friendliness is in style and people are getting into it. Hopefully this is not just a fad and we can create a social norm of eco-friendly efforts to reduce and maybe reverse the negative impact we have had on the earth.


  1. I've noticed the exact same thing. You know that they're also trying to release electric-vehicles? I actually heard that they've tested a specific electric-vehicle and it exploded. Nevertheless, I still think this whole "Green Movement" is a good thing. If the threat of global warming still exists, we had better all join in on this whole green ordeal...
    I think most people have recycling bins in their houses now. But the problem is that people will still throw away recyclable products into the trash thinking that "a minor slip up like that won't harm anything..." unfortunately, a lot of people think like that... thus, creating a problem...

  2. Being green is cool today but being to “green” is weird. I’m happy to see so many new and environmental friendly ways that we have to produce new products today. It’s really neat. Sometimes when I purchase a new product I will look on the packaging to see how much of the item was made from recycled goods. Not every “green” item is really green though. That once kid in class was talking all about his prius gets 40 mpg. Great! One of my cars is 2006 Jetta TDI. This car is just a run of the mill diesel Jetta that’s gets anywhere from 45-55 mpg while doing 80 on the highway. On top of that the prius is only electric at low speeds. How many of us regularly go 35 or less? So when picking something economically friendly looks at the fine print.

  3. The green economy has it's pros and cons. Since there is no regulation to call something green, any company can call any random product eco friendly so they can boost sales amongst the "environmentally conscious" shopper. This has spawned a phenomenon known as greenwashing. BP used to make commercials saying all the wonderful investments they are making in clean energy and whatnot, but they are just a dirty oil company. It is up to the government to invest in clean energy if things are really going to change.
