Friday, November 19, 2010

You wana know What really Tickles my pickel?

There is controversy on whether congress should continue George W. Bush's tax break... Well the fact is that we shouldn't, Americans couldn't afford it than, and sure as hell can't afford it now. The fact is that the Bush tax cut only made the rich get richer... and the poor get even more poor. The fact that America thinks that if we give tax break to the rich that the money that they save will trickle down to the poor is absolutely absurd, because that is not what ends up happening. What happens is the rich take their money that their saving and buy new Airplanes and bigger houses.

Barrack Obama issued a tax break that would tax the rich, and give tax breaks to the middle class and the poor. His limit to tell whether not a person gets the tax break is if the person makes more than or equal to 250,000. This tax break would help out way more people than the 1% of people that George Bush tax break helped.

Why are people against this tax break? Well the reason is that the rich do not want to pay the extra 3% more in taxes... Are you kidding me... These people that see this increase in tax won't even notice that its gone from their bank account.

No one likes being taxed... But people like to complain that their is money deficit. The hypocrisy is that a government can't reduce their deficit with out raising taxes; Its impossible.

-Rich people who make above 250,000 Dollars... Pay the damn 3% so that the middle class and poor can have some extra money to spend on your businesses.


  1. I agree that continuing Bush's tax ways is not the right move, however Obama's idea needs to be adjusted. Tax breaks for middle class and poor will be great,but I just don't think it is right to exclude those making 250,000 or more. Yes it does seem to most people that those making that amount of money are selfish for complaining about that 3% and that for them its practically pocket change. But think about it from their view too. Many of the rich people are very hardworking and spent a lot of time and sacrificed tons to earn that money. So to turn around and tell them that they have to pay more in taxes while everyone else pays less is just unfair.

  2. I agree completely with taxing the rich, and giving to middle class but in reality that 1% of taxation isn't going to make an impact in our 13 trillion dollar debt. We simply can not have a tax cut in general if we have a debt. Theirs no gap in which can be filled with a tax cut. The government loses money and borrowed money from our treasury just to pay for the tax cuts in the last ten years. Do the middle class deserve a break absolutely 100% but the idea of a measly 1% tax revenue isn't going to do much good for the 99%.

  3. Our tax system, in general, is broken... but I won't get up on that soapbox. I agree that passing along tax cuts (which are really favors) to the most wealthy in this country is an absurd notion. The trickle down concept does not work when the people at the top are the greediest. All we have to do is take a look at the banks that got bailout money. That money was supposed to trickle down in the form of loans, but instead, the banks are holding on to the money and killing our economy... and their CEO's are getting record bonus checks.

  4. The republican party has Obama is offering Obama a pretty bad deal. The only way they will let the Bush tax cuts expire is if unemployment benefits expire. What kind of human wants the 10% who are unemployed to starve, but wants the wealthiest people to have an extra 80,000 dollars?

  5. Awsome blog. The rich need to get taxed. They need to feel how he poor feel. Maybe they would appreciate what they have more. As for that damn Bush adminisration and the continuance of his plan, thats bullshit and if they do, they will run this country into the ground. Cant they see that he's caused enough damage with this damn economy?
