Thursday, November 11, 2010

Speeding Tickets

Picture that your driving in your car and you have to drive some where fast, and all of a sudden you see lights flashing behind you... yeah you just got pulled and praying that the cop is in a good mood, and only gives you a warning. I personally have gotten 3 tickets for going 10 over the speed limit, and one of my friends has gotten 3 warnings for going 10 miles per hour over the speed limit... (if there is a trick to getting warnings.. let me know).

The point I am trying to make is that it is a double standard when the law says don't speed or you will get a ticket, and than some people get warnings and others get tickets. Receiving a speeding ticket basically depends on whether or not you have a cop that had a bad day. The police force wonders why people speed.. Maybe its the fact that they know that there is a chance for only getting a slap on the wrist and a warning. If the Police force really wants to cut down people from speeding.... Stop giving out warnings, and give out tickets instead having them pick and choose who they give tickets too.

The point of me writing this blog is one of my buddies cough "Marcus" was going 1o mph over the limit in a school zone.. and got a warning. I on the other hand receive a ticket for going 9 mph over the speed limit and receive a 86 dollar ticket.

Police officers.... Stop giving out warnings.. and give out speeding tickets.. Lord knows a cop won't ever give me a warning... so everyone else should join in the fun and have to pay 86 dollar as well.


  1. Very interesting blog. There are certain things i've learned that will determine if you get a ticket or a warning. First is the kind of car you drive. My friend drove a really nice expensive luxury car and when ever we are stopped we never get tickets. Next is if you are a male or female. Usually pretty females get off easy with cops if they don't be sassy. And finally, my friend always have a list of excuses to pull from when she get pull over. Like officer, i'm late for work and only got one more time before i'm fired or officer i really have to pee, or my personal favorite, my kid needs to pee or if you don't have a kid say my passenger. Some of these may work for you, but i found it best just to stay 8 or 9 miles over the speed limit via cruise control and never worry about getting stopped. Remember cops only respond to YOU breaking the law.

  2. It doesn't seem fair. I would think if you were caught speeding in a school zone that would get you a ticket. Being a girl helps for sure. I know it is a double standard. I don't know if it's because we may be more polite or play the damsel in distress so well that we get out of tickets. I have had only one speeding ticket, and it was deserved. My family tried to get me to take it to court and plead guilty with an explanation. I couldn't do that, I had no explanation. My family was very irritated they kept telling me everyone does it and then you won't get the points, and have our insurance rates go up. I guess I'm too honest.

  3. that happened to me as well, i wonder why i never get warnings. one time i was going like 9 miles over the speed limit, and when the cop pulled me over, she didnt even ask why i was going fast. she just handed me the ticket. i was actually trying to get to school on time, so i got a $90 ticket for going 35 in a 25 zone. its really not fare, i should have just got a warning. so i guess there is nothing i can do to make the officers feel sorry for me and just give me a warning.

  4. I know Howard County, P.G., Montgomery, Charles and Calvert cops and all of these cops will tell you the same thing: they hate hearing excuses and attractive women will always get a break. I hate to burst your bubble but nobody likes to hear excuses. Most cops will give you a break if they ask you if you know as to why you were pulled over. You don’t want to pay the fine and they don’t want to pay the paper work. I will say what helps in getting pulled over is to knowing a cop well. My friend was at a party a few months ago and he had a few drinks. He got a call from his girlfriend that she was going to the hospital because she didn’t feel well so he left. He was speeding and his B.A.C. might have been approaching the legal limit and was pulled over. He immediately cooperated with the cop but also called a friend of ours who happens to be a cop in that county. Needless to say the cop that pulled my friend over came back to the car and said “have a nice night”

  5. I am always a respectful person, even when I get pulled over... its always sir and mam to every person I encounter.

  6. I for one disagree with your blog. What you need to do is stop breaking the law, they are there for a reason. Whether you are going 10 over or 25 over, it doesn't matter. Learn from your past mistakes and stop speeding on highways and back roads.

    Stop being in such a rush, just slow down. You deserve your tickets.

  7. That isn't the reason why I wrote the blog... perhaps if you had a better comprehension level marcus you would understand that the point of the blog is that whether a person receives a ticket or not should not be determined based on the cops mood. But instead end the double standard and give everyone tickets who break the law.
