Friday, November 19, 2010

Electricity dependance

We are so dependent on electricity as a source of energy and power that if we lose it, we would fall into an era of darkness. All of our technological advances depend on electricity. It has become a part of our daily lives, and without it we are pretty much useless. Electricity has come a far way from just simple static electricity, where it wasn't used in 600 B.C., up to this day. The truth is, there are very few things in today's society that do not require electricity to function or that have been made with a tool that uses electricity. We use electricity in our every day lives, from the pump that brings in water in the faucet every morning so we can brush our teeth, to building magnificent buildings so we can live in. Electricity brings entertainment to our house with the television and computers, and also gets the cars battery going so we can transport ourselves from place to place.Electricity is the most basic part of technology, technological discoveries, and our lives. Electricity runs through every wire and circuit of every technology. This includes the refrigerator, without a fridge all our food would go bad within a couple days. There is no way we would survive without electricity. Everything is done for us in a 90 percent. All we need to do is plug the fridge and we have cool food, turn on the stove and we have fire, hit the switch and we have light. Electricity is so indispensable to the people that without it we would not be able to keep our food fresh, turn on a fire to cook our food, or even walk around in the dark. It is fundamental for our survivability. These are just a few things that we have taken for granted, but we never stop and think what if we didn't have electricity? What would we do if the power plants that generate electricity cease to work?


  1. I think about it a lot. I'm not sure I'd survive without all the convience electricity. I would love to convert our house to solar power, and make us less dependant on BG&E. Having three kid's in the house, I sometimes feel as though we are their favorite customer. We have seriously talked about the solar panels and hope to do that within a couple of years.

  2. Wow, the world really would be SCREWED. I know I'd be upset... if my guitar amp/computer/tv/fridge/etc didn't work, I'd probably go crazy.
    I really like your wording in this when you said "Everything is done for us in a 90 percent." That is very true. I don't think most people would know what to do without electricity.
    However, through reading this, I've developed a plan for myself.
    Acoustic guitar, a candle, and a bag of chips outta last me...
    well, not for long, but it's a start.

  3. If all the power went off for a week or so, I would be totally thrilled. Every time the power goes out for a hurricane or a blizzard I am forced to appreciate the things that do not require electricity or the things that do require electricity that I didn't appreciate. Although, one time I got stuck in Ohio during a major power outage across the east coast, and I can't say I thrilled about that.

  4. I know what its like to go without electricity and its not too bad. For however long your without it you have peace. I dont need my cell phonce, cable, internet, tv to have a good time because those dont always determine what Im going to do. Sike hell no. Who am I kidding. I need electricity. I cant go without it. Id die probably.
