Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Advertisement in today's society

Advertisement in today's society is to sell us what we don’t need, to sell us values, and to sell us concepts of normal. There are three significant aspects for advertising: 1) A persuading selling message, 2) prospects for the products or service, and finally 3) at the lowest possible cost. The first aspect deals with how to persuade people in believing that the product that is being advertised is absolutely salutary. The second however identifies which target group the commercial or the ad will be advertised to. Finally the last phase deals with the economical issues like how low the products price has to be in order to grasp the customer's attention. Advertising is designed for one purpose - to sell. To achieve this goal, advertises are willing to stretch and distort the truth, just to convince people to buy their product. In many cases, an advertiser may convince buyers to purchase their product by stating that it has been tested and found superior. In reality, the product is not likely to be better than any other. Our moral values are being degraded by the bombardment of impropriety by the media. The media and advertising images display what is perceived to be the perfect life. The models are beautiful and slim. Their bodies are fit and the couples are sexy and if you do not have the beauty or the sexy body, the advertisement have the products to fix it. The images on screen can make you feel like a failure if you are not beautiful, fit, the perfect car, and have the ideal mate. A lot of people do not have the perfect body, nice teeth, long hair, and nice abs. The media makes you feel that if you don’t have those things you are not beautiful or have the perfect body. A lot of times when you see someone else with the perfect body you get down about yourself. It kills your self esteem and you’re depressed. Sometimes it motivates you to turn your body into that perfect body. But majority of the time you’re jealous and afraid to show your body. When you’re out in public sometimes you might think the public see you as fat, lazy, and all you do is eat. We know in today’s society that most of the crap on screen is bogus, but for some unknown reason we rush out to buy the products or gadgets reaching for perfection. The media makes you feel if you live on the wrong side of town you are dysfunctional. The media also makes you feel that if you are overweight you are lazy, but don’t worry you’ll die soon unless you buy the muscle drugs to melt away the fat. There are cumulative effects of the media. Teenage girls that are fat and overweight have poor self esteem due to all the thin slim females’ models that are in shape. Young male thinks sports and sex makes them popular. Because the media plays a role in the life of everyone, we are constantly fooled with idealistic things that make life better. As a result, we are always trying to take the next step to get that one perfect thing.

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