Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Drug abuse presents a significant problem in America - especially amongst teenagers. Abuse is defined as habitual use of drugs to alter one's mood, emotion, or state of consciousness. Thus, the abuser spends money, causes barriers in families, as well as causes other conflicts to arise such as actual damage to ones health. Drugs such as tobacco, alcohol and over the counter drugs like cough medication are often abused because of addiction. Other drugs such as Marijuana and Cocaine cause significant damage not only to one's psyche, but physical structures as well. When individuals get hooked or addicted onto drugs, they start frivolously wasting money to get drugs to satisfy their addiction. Often the user spends money that their family depends on financially. This leads to financial adversity within the family because the money is used for unprofitable endeavors. The addict's spouse or children most probably leave the individual to help their lives, thus escalating the issue to a breaking point so the user takes refuge in even more drug abuse in order to appease their pain. In turn, the addiction forms into a vicious cycle, in which the user must go back to the drug because of their addiction. Not only does it affect the structure of the family, but directly influences the psyche of the children through the environment that they are constantly infused with. The children feel that it is acceptable to do contraband drugs since they perceive that their parents doing it makes it admissible. They also hear society saying its acceptable and brings change in their minds. Although the initial feeling of the first time exposure to a drug may wield a high, that feeling will never be obtain again. However, most addicts throw away their whole lives attempting to obtain their first time exposure to a drug, but its all for nothing. Thus, in attempting to pursue "fools gold," drug addicts loose everything they ever valued for something of empty value.


  1. Unfortunately, teenagers often don’t see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow. They also have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience.

  2. First off Drug addiction is a disease. I agree that this is an ongoing problem that unfortunately won't get much better. The children of these addicts don't always follow in their parents footsteps. It is a choice. I don't see how society says its ok to do drugs. You can't help anyone unless they want to help themselves. In the end they will throw away it all until they have hit bottom.

  3. I know i have a addiction to tabacco product really bad. When I quit smoking cigs i'll pick up blacks and vise versa...It's extremely difficult to break that habit especally when I know in my case i use it to help take away stress..so i cant imagine how hard it is to break and serious drug problem and how it affects the loved ones around you.

  4. The first time my parents found out I smoked weed they weren’t that mad because they know that I was “experimenting”. I still do occasionally because honestly I don’t think it is all that bad for you. I personally like it because it takes my stress away. Although marijuana is illegal, tobacco very much isn’t although it contains addictive ingredients and a lot of other things to keep you hooked. I know that marijuana doesn’t have anything to keep you addicted. I don’t believe addiction exists in marijuana because I know for a fact that it alters my mind, therefore I don’t use it when I go to work or school. I simply am responsible and only use it when it’s a Friday or Saturday night. A lot of people frown upon the use of marijuana, and I think that this is really dumb. I hate people who smoke cigarettes because they always smell awful and it does not do a thing to you except kill you. The first time I smoked a cigarette it tasted awful and just left me smelling horrible. I think that some drugs are terrible for you, when marijuana shouldn’t even be considered a drug.

  5. I definitely agree that the children are greatly affected by parents who are addicted to drugs. They are being put into situations that they have not chosen. These parents are most of the time, or all of the time, making children suffer for their poor actions and lack of judgment. People who are addicted to drugs end up spending every dime to get a fix, therefore leaving no money to support the family and children in the household. Children sometimes get pulled into bad decisions through their parents bad decisions. Their kids sometimes end up in the drug ring and ruining their lives by following in their parents footsteps. Drug abuse needs to be stopped and actions need to be taken to make children less vulnerable in the drug world.
